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Let's Try Again, Ex-Wife

Chapter 5 The Ruthless Third Uncle

Word Count: 857    |    Released on: 19/06/2022

is still young. If he wants to organize parties, he should do it at his

nodded. He knew Knox was right. The ancestral m

utsiders were not allowed to ente


nod. Then, he turned

as not reading with his friends but rather,

nted but Knox wasn’t. His expression didn’t cha

five of his friends. There were empty bottles of drinks

boy were strewn across the

mely messy a

tely attracted Lance’s attention because he was al

was already red from drinking, instantly paled. He struggled to open his

he blinked, Knox didn’t

d at the realization and

looked away instantly. But, Lance who was alr

ded his suit jacket and placed it on the arm before folding his long legs. The

who weren’t completely drunk and could still stand by themselves helped the

ared a lot of things with them. He mostly complained about this uncle of his. He addressed him as a

was only watching them expressionlessly wi

to step on his toes and incur his anger. The only thing

in the front of his friends cautiously. His legs were tremblin

is. He would prefer that his parents were the

nowing this uncle of his. He had always been cold and arrogant since they w

otten beaten up. He came home riddled with bruises and was crying. Eve

and beat him again before sending him back to the scene of the

s Third Uncle stop tormenting him. But since then, those beatings had been i

ldn’t have invited his friends over. If only he knew, they

tain stability due to the incessant attacks from competitors. His uncl

ith them in an ancestral manner un

no elder

was and he who couldn’t wait to showcase the extra

ent, he was fil

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