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The Hunt for Knowledge

The Hunt for Knowledge


Chapter 1 And So it Begins

Word Count: 1668    |    Released on: 27/08/2022

the treasure.”

is time for them to happen. Quests may not simply be abandoned; prophecies may not be left to r


eck furniture in shades of sea green. She lounged alone for a few moments, enjoying the solitude. As she watched, the sky turned pink and pale over the horizon. The first gulls stirred and began their relen

hampagne flute filled with freshly squeezed orange juice. She smiled at him shyly, her stomach now experiencing raw nerves rather than hunger.

re Kaya could jump into Dakari’s arms. “I am honored

I am hoping to spend every br

is embrace. She felt her body purr as he rubbed his hand

d, his voice sounding s

he filled her plate. She looked up at him to thank him, but he only grin

dy for our adventure?” H

me last night.” She look

e you worried about bein

she paused. Kaya was inside he

n she faltered. Kaya beg

we could get separate rooms until, well, just until…

r?” He said using the childhood nickname that he used to tease her w

suite. Two master bedrooms that share a common living space. I booked th

all the way to her eyes. How had she forgotten how th

pital room, with her body growing at an alarming rate. The doctor was on call to deliver the baby early

tiful orchid is where her mother had picked her name. It looked so pretty lying by her new sister, Katalea conjured a dozen more and put them in a

ested a private ferry crossing for them, well, as private as you could get with half a security team on boar

he had tried to suppress that day, she giggled and walked over to the railing. As the ferry soared over the water Katalea caught glimpses of somethin

toddler.” She tried to explain to him the brigh

has some of the fisherman’s n

en trying to get her attention, she was sure of it. She kept a watch out but did not see

and pushed onlookers away. “There wouldn’t be a fuss if they didn’t attract so much attention,” she thought. Remembering her time in Utah, sh

iver to head straight to the university. I

xplained. “I feel like the closer I

p to the breathtaking tree lined campus brought her back to reality. This was a working vacation. Fro

ught sadly, and tried to refresh her memory on wh

nt to be addressed as Professor Toma,” he st

give her a more professional look. “I will be Professor Kundam.” She win

man dressed in ragged jeans and a black sweatshir

ver names? Curiosity got the better of Dakari and before the se

are?” He said,

have information about the

gne but the distinct aroma of a canine came through. Could this man be a wer

my business here today is?” Dakar

could discuss this in a more private setting?” Th

ecy. How could this werewolf know so much? Dakari felt like an elementary school child trying to navigate high s

hat woman is a mermaid! I saw her while we were on the ferry. She says

private place to talk, ” Dakari s

I have been sent by the University to offer you a private office. If you would follo

were being led into a trap. The woman wasn’t a dragon for sure, she had caught no sulphuric odor. She smelled much

e werewolf and the mermaid followed. By the look on their faces, it was o

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