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The Hunt for Knowledge

Chapter 2 Purple Pixies and Blue Sirens

Word Count: 1407    |    Released on: 29/08/2022

the white window trimmings but spoke of old money. The grounds were immaculate and well tended. Students lounged on blankets under t

ay and that. As they came upon the main entrance of the Literature bu

g in this direction when they arrived and seeing a massive plum tree in this general area. Not only was the tree no lo

t a bit in order to go through the door. It was like it arrived after the lanes we

ticed. The blue-haired lady visibly

xisted for less minutes than my legs,”

with unlocking the door, Katalea messaged the security detail

There was no flicker of recognition in the mermaid’s green eyes and Kata

eat Granddaughter many times over to Poseidon and Amphitrite,” she said out

smirked, and rolled her eyes. “I didn’t put them there to hold a

army with sarcasm, her intentions were clear. She had need of the prophecies and wanted to join forces to

to the probe from the mermaid. She wasn’t ready to accep

sting that one over there because he has outdoor plumbi

is light brown hair blew in the gentle breeze, framing his sun-kissed face. This was a man that spent a lot of time in the sun. He skimmed his smokey g

he bowed Katalea could see a leather sheath sporting a pearl handle

not so good to see you again Beecher. You se

He shot at her. “You were

zically. She turned back to Katalea and shrugged. Over her shoulder she called to him, “Seems to me that you find my presence offensive to

them. Wouldn’t they get a kick out of this situation. It was always so hard to connect with them when so much of her life couldn’t be share

read his new acquaintances as well as Katalea, but he felt no danger. A banging sound came from inside the room and all jolted as the door to the make-shift meet

n broken protocol and spoken to anyone outside the detail while on duty. Even the most gregarious storytellers on the squad wouldn’t dare t

nter-clockwise.” He nodded some more as she produced a little vial from a pocket in h

he goddesses, thank you.” He turned and joined the detail again, grinni

eyes. “I like to help,” was all she said. She seemed to glow with happiness a

to be near such overwhelming joy. She saw the others felt it too as they stopped their chi

windows with a flick of his finger. He needed an escape plan in case one

a graceful hand towards him and appeared to be bestowing a blessing on him. He felt his anxiety diminish immediately.

at Beecher. With a fanning of her magic hands she created a feast fit for

s. She bore no mark, no scent of any creature any of them recognized. They stood gaping at their hostess who’s radiant glow had softene

rst, my name is Zinn

a drink,” was all

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