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The Hunt for Knowledge

Chapter 3 Werewolves and Vampires

Word Count: 1337    |    Released on: 30/08/2022

sound of a whippoorwill sounded through the open window and broke the silence. The heaviness of the


to m


ased the tension. With a twinkle in his eye, and mis

lass, and introduce ourselves.” A dimple winked on his right check, and he

ndow. Aquina stayed standing and eyed everyone suspiciously. Be

at, blue, I would hate to think of yo

ou today.” She quipped back. “But I will apol

Katalea knew, but this Beecher seemed to enjoy the banter

d Dakari here is my mate. We are werecats and, here I

t has not even been taken from the ancient oilcloths that wrap it, but here yo

an elaborate curtsy. “My family would speak of the prophecies and our need of t

reat leader and a magician would show the way to uncover the knowledge we

gleam in her eye. “It’s goin

r story?” He looked right at her until she turned away, “Let’s

t continued, “ Long ago, my family overheard talk from the deck of a ship. The captain was telling his crew

would want to be immort

curious enough to do some research. What they found were old notes and pictures depicting a group of six, somehow bound

our family conducted the research.” Beec

the boat to sink. We just took advantage once it did.” Her eyes were glossy as sh

, but all this leaves me with more questions than I started with. First, how did you all know w

ooked at Dakari. “Do you have any expectations

books before I even began researching the missing prophecies. When the dragons held me captive I would hear them talk of prophecie

these papers. It is said they are the key to whatever your “tribe”, for lack of a better word, needs. There is a healing that we

tunned them all. Even standing she was ba

I have his blood in me, although diluted

sends me on this quest because we need healing. No one is quite sure what is happening, but our numbers are diminishing quickly.

ne thing still troubled her, “Aquina, you s

me stood a man with the most beautiful black skin Katalea had ever seen. Not one blemish to mar his elegant bone stru

ment, and I have been asked by Paolo to come meet with you. I have you

back from his chair and a low growl sounded in his chest. Zinnia f

cing red eyes toward Beecher. “I could end your life

ed her wings and smiled sweetly at the newcomer. “You are b

me,” he laughed.

isible signs of fat. He appeared to be solid muscle, spectacularly displayed. She closed her mouth as sh

lea was the only one that had not encountered this scent before, she had sent Dakari

” Aquina

’s eye’

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