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The Hunt for Knowledge

Chapter 4 Missing

Word Count: 1406    |    Released on: 30/08/2022

wn his bag. He wore a sports coat over jeans, sporting sunglasses that

s she tried to gain composure, she knocked her plate to the floor. Dakari caught

hair, noticing Dakari’s arms around her. Pushing aside her arousal, she turne

you risk all. There is one still hunting, who would stop at nothing to destroy us. An evil god gone

rms. He conjured a cup of water, and raised it to her

had such power. I don’t know who sent it, but someone wants us to put

ll on board,” Beecher interjected. “It sounds like a group project, and

take the grenade, I’ll take the pin.”

remember. This is the closest we’ve come. I am in, full commitment.” She smiled at Katalea n

head. He has lost what small grip he had on reality. He wants his child, his mate. He thinks the prophecies will re

and placed her hands on her

nk you.” She turned to the fairy. “You have so m

lse god wishes to squash happiness and ring in an evil world, I will

rts of the world and aside from the smart mouthed mermaid, I get along with most. I can provide resources

uries, and I can’t promise to be your best friend. But if you are

this through. I believe our first step is to open the

with you. The book was entrusted to you by whatever power want

be away from you again. If we do this, we do this together or

If he seeks the prophecies to further his destructive path

silence with his low whistle. The tune he mimicked sounded like the countdown on

He said, sounding like a patient teac

y personal property. Katalea noted that she left the building itself in place, but now there were flower beds outside an

Zinnia practically floated next to Luca trying to match his stride. Aquina and Beecher brought up the

way further from any visible door. The Rare Book Room was as far away from sunligh

could damage any of our archives. The collection of rare books here

er through symbols or drawings, on rock or tree. We have preserved as many as we find and allow the new

o another staging area. “We ask that everyone use the robes and gl

and airless. Luca donned goggles, and turned on an overhead light. The book Dakari had last seen days ago now lay,

t the find. All had personal reasons to believe this ancient script would start their life’s task.

An older man, graying at the temples, entered. He, too, wore th

oday. I was just going to check the air quality inside the

said, all seven feet of him

led in the darkness and Dakari immediately tried to conjure a ball of flame to light the room. WIth no

a began to glow. It wasn’t much light, but enough


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