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The Hunt for Knowledge

Chapter 5 A Gun to the Head

Word Count: 1299    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

In that time, not only was the book gone from its elaborate air-cont

hell is happening?

stantly the gun flew from the man’s hands and streamed towards her outstretched hands. Before the deadly p

meeting. Questioning eyes darted everywhere, and as far as Ka

could do that!” K

my doing.” He turned to Zinnia. “I could feel

of there, so I tuned in to you to see how I could help. Pl

” Dakari said, his face showing gratitude. Turning to

na emphasized the last name, obviously

“His name is David Spector. Up until now, he has seemed like a bookish old man, he always acted as if he loved

overstuffed sofa, sat down with a sigh. “We called him “Specs’, a mix of his last name and those thick glasses he always wore. He has worked on hist

spoke. “What now?” Was the question

uca reached for his phone. “I placed a tracker on the oilcl

t Dakari interrupted him. “No n

d his eyes but failed. Their mate bond was too new and not yet

e again, granted, this time a very hi-tech bookish prison.” He looked from face to face and continued, “I felt panic, dr

ioned, anxious lines forming on his br

more specific. That place is guarded around the clock, and no one bu

nd it came from, with the same balmy air that could disintegrate the pages if exposed?” He r

be read by us, and I belie

t could have stayed

s head snapped from one to another, but on Luca’s last point he hopped up

“But what’s done is done. The bigger question

she dreaded falling into a deep sleep. The baby that grew inside her dema

e saw him like that she longed to go to him. She recognized him as her mate and wanted to unite

she needed to reject him to break the mate bond that had somehow formed. It seemed so simple in the daylight hours. The d

ly inside her and she imagined a sweet little girl, or boy, she didn’t care which, readying for life as a werecat. She would not let he

rt with his doctor coat over it. His face reflected calm, a calm Dalya could not feel herself, but tried to absorb. He matter-o

like this was normal. He noted it i

water, taking your vitamin

elf to walk around the gro

ngs? Anything abn

he only thing I have ever sampled was champagne at formal ceremonies. Suddenly

new he would go back and tell the others and there would be no alcohol anywhe

or her ever growing stretch marks, and t

e stood on the driveway waving him off. They all seemed relaxed when t

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