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The Hunt for Knowledge

Chapter 6 Youthful Passion

Word Count: 1506    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

end long shadows as the sun reached its last stretch of daylight. Dakari yawned. It had been a long day

n. “Why don’t we get some rest, and meet for a la

Aquina remarked. Turning to Beecher she chuckled, “I’

night.” He turned to Katalea. “I think a little rest is a great idea. Are we all in agreement to meet t

t the door. They were looking very confused and none too happy that their charges had disappeared. They were looking at the new gro

i spoke quietly to the captain of the guard. “We’d l

perceived evil to be lurking behind every tree and shadow. Using hand signals, he coordinated the detail to flank them as they wa

he car. More than once, Dakari reached up to stroke her hair, her cheek, her arm. H

oor was opened with a dramatic bow by the concierge. Other guests of the hotel craned their necks to see what celebrities were arriving. Neither Katalea nor Dakari noticed a thing. It was as if the w

lea thought. “Let

ttens will mate before us!”

e hotel, he had made sure that every nook and cranny had been searched before they arrived. Seeing the oblivious n

roceed here. If she listened to her panther, she would just jump her mate here and now and get it over wi

t of flowers for her. She giggled as he held out a toy car instead. He tried again, this time he wound up with a dish towel. His hands, now shakin

ds came out now in a squeak.

ng an air conditioner, however, he opened the doors to the terrace and went outside. She w

screen, and seemed to be at an intense moment. The crowd could be heard yelling for their favorite te

ball?” He asked

ppened to be her favorite team that currently held the

ut a pizza?” He said, his heartb

together, teasing one another, relaxing, they began to feel like old friends. The friendship th

Conjuring a trophy, he mimed accepting on behalf of his team. Kat

led for the remote as if it were the last bite of food and they were two starving orphans. The voice on

him. In one move she pinned him. Her blue eyes looked straight into his. It was as if time stood still. Everything froze. She lowered her lips to his an

shed his way out from under her. Lying side by side on the floor they kissed again. D

his skin and let her hands wander up under his shirt. His body tensed at her touch, bu

one another on the floor, a

ver belongs to the hand inter

straightening her clothes

open the door. Isn’t this why we

they?”he thought trying

them to see the hallway outside their door. On it, she could see and potentially talk to whomever was out there. When she finally got the app

er before. This time was no different. They opened the door together and Katalea retri

to come take this, we don’t want to destroy any fin

rsity and found himself being sent straight to voicemail. Getting a little worried, he began calling the rooms where t

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