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Stuck between two bad boys

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1238    |    Released on: 07/10/2022


tention. If I had to do it alone, I would have been grateful but this two

e books in the library today, we are likely to come and finish it tomorrow which is Satur

cleaning. I won't want to be here with

t do it all alone. My hands could not reach the top of the shelf and I

l you go toda

that had been their friend. Although Gabby is not dead, at least not now so

ossed with whatever she was doing on her phone "My parents ar

ou have something fun you want to do like steal your father's best polo, stay in your room and

a blushed "And we are going t


ike who does that? Have sex in your parent's house? What does she

ted time listening to them. It's was just so painful as I realized I had been cleaning

t he must be fucking gooooood

heir faces and hear all of what they were saying as if I can now hear with my ey

Thats super disgusting" I blurte

she stoops to me, making pop sounds with her heel boot. The rage on her red face was

r" I said calmly with a cute smi

left earring followed by a stinging pain. I opened my surprised brow


de my brain stop working. Unfortunately, the only the I was with is the old history textbook I was

her face. It did a very good job by taking off

h all these h

my face could explain pure homicide. As I move closer to slam

milia Johnson" I hea

e turning red as I

d "I can explain,

t hand, he walked to a chair in front of us and sat. After taking

re weeks"

ody as I fell to the ground, I placed m

on in my entire life and my parent would

was still pretending to cry, her left palm was on

d hurts" s

stopped for a while then continued "Let's do it this way if you both know you are guilty, just pick up you

they held it for a while before

ses," they said in unison

ed out disappointed, his bored gaze fell on me and I

lose to me, and began to

loves to break people just like you" He smiled then looked at a boy standing near the door "Anyth

d finish the work today. I didn't care more to look at his face that was hid

s a bright smile appeared in his face "Such a lovely connection!" He exclaime

he straightened his clothe

wly, it was extremely slow that I wanted to rush to him and force his h

king guy with grey eyes

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