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Stuck between two bad boys

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1164    |    Released on: 07/10/2022

days of my life of making Xavier angry even though I hate our new school. The stern look on Xavi

with another car and find ourselves at the hospital. With my eyes closed, the seat belt holding me back

s mum and we all do whatever she says. Even when she knew Xavier hates corn flake, she

wn" I managed to say to Xavier who just look

caught when driving beyond the limit, he seems like he is invisible. In several cases, I had begg

to let me even learn how to drive, he said I w

your rug if you don't slow dow

face stared at my red face as he looked at his face in the mirror and ar

y, Candy" He said wit

ruck and walked over to my side to open the door for me. His signature smirk was

bag pack over my back I moved away from him with my palm over my stomach and mouth. No

air up and began to offload what had been threatening to come out. After making

annoyance as I turned back to see him f

, stuck out his tongue, and closed one of his eyes. He

have a worst day" he put his phone back into

h disgusting video and cringe. I wiped my mouth clean with the back of my

avier!" I

gs and arms apart. Saliva was also coming out from my mouth and m

e popular for a while on social media and my street even till we left Florida. I panick

s with me!" I yelled as

into a hard pile of warm flesh and fell hard on my butt. I knew it wasn't a

me. His hair seems a bit rough and was covering almost half of his eyes. His lower lips had a litt

me before he finally let go and cracked his knuckles. I noticed he had a bandage on both

time and not your mouth," his s

ed myself to my feet and rushed to class. I couldn't stop thinking about his face and intimidating grey e

turned to look at me with different emotions, some were trying hard

th surprise, her mouth was slightly opened and there

Do you mind explaining why you are just jo

led for the class causing the

o me then pointed to the only empty seat left which is near Ni

to my seat. The whole day wasn't as I

s boy that had almost knocked me out. There was somethin

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