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Stuck between two bad boys

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1283    |    Released on: 07/10/2022

ode. The scary look on Devin's face was more to make me pee in my pants. He d

o was free from bloodstain. Aside from that, he had the same dreadful glare

han enough, I awkwardly cleared my

iends call me Emily" I looked at his cold face and grinned

for a while then walked away, he move


d to be nice to the strange boy and he ignored me. Severally, I would stare at him

ories of what happened in the morning began to replay themselves. I placed my dusty fing

dden my desire was, I had to act fast. I cringe in embarrassment a

ally expecting

e this place, go home and watch some violent Anime. It's been long I wrot

going back to write. So far, I have written four books and had put them in a book app. Since I wonder want love would feel li

me if she finds out I write erotic books, I changed my na

ave to come tomorrow. I can't tell if I had done any work because I find myself st

n who seems engrossed watch

ance as he stares intensely

Mere looking at his hand, one could tell he has tattoo on his upper arm and maybe his chest. My lips twi

I left what I was doing to get it, b

y?" I blu

nfused and worried at the same time. It could be that Xavier

feel like calling to bug him so he won't think I am so vulnerable. I dialed his nu

ck up, he just declined the call


room, although it is not higher than 7 Inches but I was grateful I would at least put some book

oks and the high for a few minutes. My hands just refused to reach no matter how I str

sort of entertainment, the amused look in his grey eyes cou

eless fellow"

l do to me. Just like the principal had said, maybe we were meant to break each other. With a deep frown on

answered "I admit that I am short, and I need your

just grunted his reply and I heard he shot a door, it

ts so much that my mum is even taller than me. At times, I wonder

y to arrange the books myself. My anger increased as I realized how s

alls back. Again, I began to hop, hopefully, when I get high enough

even pass out if I don't stop but I can't aff

short!?" I groan

of hands on my waist. Effortlessly, I was lifted off my feet to the level of the shelf. I

" Xavier lo

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