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Stuck between two bad boys

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1209    |    Released on: 07/10/2022

cs and history books, I would hate to walk around after what happened yesterday. Wen

t hu

what people that had done it feel like. The fact that they taught I had sex in the

lfies every day, everywhere including class and with the hot boys in school. It's obvious that she has had sex with all of th

re ever you see her you see drama. The funny fact is that she is even in junio

d seen her walking out of the boy's restrooms while adjusting her clothes. I don't really l

o kn

s to the leather top making it look like they were permanently made for each other. It's obvious she had n

to her "How are you feel

oo small breasts, it almost seems like they all have one rule in their gang which is

moved around Eva's body "You look so hot!

ying loud voice and turned around shaking her unshakab

rom? I can't see anything attractive about them and I wond

hem with Xavier and that

cept their expensive bags and shoes. I can bet their clothes would be

r attention. The last time I got mixed with them was last week Friday, good thing t

the next thing I was all over social media and her f

turn to go. I felt a bit relaxed as I had go

ie tomboy, Eva?" I heard one

themselves loudly since they seem to have this loud nature. With my head dow

up to see Gabby "What's your shitty name t

Gabby, Nili, and Eva, the gi

ouldn't want to be late again and attract unnecessary attention like yesterday. I g

ant to have quick sex in the janitor closet today?"

turned back to her "She is all pink and I am sure

iar ever lived, I just want to pull them together and hurl

bell rang for the first subject. I can see

em the brightest smile I could and turn to the o

ou want?" I a

want to know your shitty name" She waved her palm

ts that were acting like nothing was happening, they wou

tention. Seeing there was nothing I could do at the moment and I was getting late for class ag

plan for, in fact, it is the lamest thing I have ever do

ically and shoved it hard against Gabby's throat. At that instance she fell, I thought I

d tha

t detention in my entire life! N

e time, I felt good that I have done something I had longed for. Thanks to my good r

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