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Stuck between two bad boys

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1223    |    Released on: 07/10/2022

ing. My ankle and arms were crossed together as I planned on what to do to Xavier today. Because of him, I c

ilet. Who else comes to school with rough hair, a funny-looking face, and sweaty!

sex before going to scho

I heard Xavier

ared to look at his face to avoid

made me puke I rushed to class look like I " I paused, stared at

I saw what looked like anger in his face as he stood still with his

ave sex yesterday?"

ep back as he moved towards me. His face was mean and I couldn't get

?!" He hal

locked with mine as I n

bout" I looked away from his face "I have

. I looked up at his relaxed face then looked away imm

er my rough hair. I remember what I said about a minute ago and cringed terribly, I can't believe I just t

d then slapped my head forehead so har

e sure to be extremely slow. I noticed he wasn't even looking in my direction

ways have to do th

hape of his butt. His thighs muscles were firm and thick same as the attractive structure

him and trace every vein till where they stop with my restless fingers. He

ard. Normally I would yell and throw things at him but at this m

loudly, I didn't know how loud it was until I not

away instantly, I didn't want to l

was like he knew I had been staring and he liked it. It felt li

h is strange. He looked like he was angry or mean, it was like how a child would look

closed next time" he stated

th, I had no idea I had left it o

y, his hands left his head to his side. It was like he couldn't just

breast, the right one wasn't covered and I could

sped as I folde

tive, especially when I have shameless nipples that annoyingly beco

is head "You know how much I want to see you walk to school," he said while adju

k it. Xavier had been icy and that's way much too healthy for the Xavier know woul

m. He would either play his boring raps while I use my phone to stream K-pop music. Th

my class! At times I feel like it's because I dress more lik

the day I fell asleep in his car and almost fell out. His facial expression show he wasn't his normal self as he stared out

ome" he whispered sternly before opening the door "I am watching you" he ra

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