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Stuck between two bad boys

Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 1256    |    Released on: 07/10/2022

is palms around my waist and my feet were dangling in the air. It almo

gled my legs as I look

ir was covering his face and he turned and walked away immediately he dropped me. He went back to his prev

, it even look like he would snap Devin's neck within the twinkle of an eye. H

ered "I needed to keep th

ous look on his face or the fact that he seems to be sco

with my shaking legs "I only needed to get

r that I squeezed myself in between them, I am sure they wo

oked like they could ignore and crush me if

on his hard chest "Let's keep

what he would have done any other time especially when I need his help mo

en know I was holding my breath until he left. I felt som

ttered and move

I hugged myself tight not knowin

ther and threw them up. He stared at it for a while as if waiting to see if t

to yourself" Xavier poked

. His steps were large and I knew I won't be able to match them even if I followed hi

ng for?" He asked befo

s glaring at me, I couldn't breathe well much more talk to him. I just stood st

n carried and thrown over Xavier's. My stomach bu

oking at me "Put me down!" I ordered and wiggled more as he walked out of the library "L

to do this" Xavier said as he a

His steps were large and fast and I couldn't stop wiggling as he placed his right

e few students hanging around. The moment they sight me on Xavier's should

Xavier" I covered my face "p

walked over to the other side of the car. His expression was stern and he

of silence "Xavier!" I touched his arm but he glared at me

cared. The fact that I am seeing Xavier seriously angry and not while I p

gry despite the fact that nothing happened. He only was

tared at each other like they were not supposed to even be close or the way Xavier g

rushed inside without saying anything. I hea

I asked myself as I san

trange, extr

ss me, then the scary bad boy tried to help

ell if he is mad

ned as I stretched more on the

ound the sitting room as many things began to flow through my small mind. I fear Xavi

im how I love Korean boys, it's obvious he doesn't want m

looks bad too. Kids our age never get to draw on their skin, not even almos

puts me in trouble so with the cutes

yelled immediately

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