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His Reluctant Mate

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1571    |    Released on: 25/07/2023


ece I was working on was at a tricky spot, and he could let himself into the house since we shared the place. He must have fiddled with something

Cason grumbled as he stuck h

able and glanced up at

ing spot at the grocery store. He was pissed as fuck at the dent in his bumper, but his anger disappeared

in shock. “His mat

country to find herself or some shit like that.” He p

and sighed, “Wha

are.” He scrubbed his palms up and down his face. “She had t

because we had plenty of room to roam in our animal forms without having to worry about humans spotting

my fist.” He held up his hand, clenching it tight. “The only reaso

r over the carving I was working on. The animal wasn’t recognizable ye

ame last name as we do.” A m

ong for Kemp males and the women who were meant to be theirs. Neither of our uncles had found their mates—one of our great-uncles was rej

my mom turned eighteen. After being together for years and having three pups, my dad thought that they’d broken the bad luc

marry a rich guy she had zero feelings for instead of mating the only man she’d ever desire. Aaron had spiraled after it had all gone down. He’d eventually decided th

ason asked, pulling me

ead to clear

fter sliding one of the cans toward me, he popped the top on his and took a sip. “Does being su

happy for our pack mates, but some days, it’s hard to see how in lov

on the table, and crushed it with his fist. “Never is

fore finishing my beer and heading

f the cans. “Yeah, I’m having a hard time believ

ghed as I dropp

te that level yet.” My brother’s shoulders sl

nding a mate. It’s not as though my odds are any better than yours.” My wolf

head. “Our family has paid more than enough f

fuck off that Aaron is going to suffer for the rest o

d stared up at the ceiling. “Do

Timber Ridge were slim to none. As much as I missed my brother, I didn’t blame him for leaving. Living the rest of his life without

and crushed the can with his fist. He tapped the top

torial over the piece. When I felt his fur brush against the inside of my

d carving.” Cason held his hands up, palms facing m

n a completely different design, but once I’d gotten my hands on that chunk of basswood, it had felt as though each stroke of my blade along the wood was guided by my wolf. The sentiment was

rked up, and his eye

d me, not for any emotional attachment to my pieces. Once they were done, I was ready to hand them off and get to work on somet

ok at the carving clenched in my fist. “That doesn’t

ter answer for him since I didn’t have a

s he had crushed. “Alrighty then. Now that you’ve cleared that up for me, I guess I’ll leave

wasn’t sitting across from me, my wolf relaxed a little over his proximity to the carving. I needed to get the damn

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