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His Reluctant Mate

Chapter 9 Nine

Word Count: 1427    |    Released on: 26/07/2023


fishly hoping that was because she was seriously considering it. She also hadn’t mentioned her boss’s looming deadline for returning to New York

ing mark and ground my hips against hers. She twined her arms a

ine and glided my palms up her body to cup her tits. “It doesn’t matter if I had you only a few

s to rake her nails down my back. “Because I’m mo

n after the last time we’d had sex, so there weren’t any barriers between us. I took possession

r and thumb. The peak instantly pebbled, and she arched her back to press more firmly into my to

ped, twining her

to the edge. Her pleas echoed around the room as I kissed down the length of her body. Pul

f her fast enough with my tongue. Holding my mate still while I devoured her, I brought her over the edge twice before I lifted my head to crawl back up her body. I pushed the head of my c

I surged in with a brutal thrust, anchoring myself balls deep. Feeling the tell-tale tingle at the base of my spine, I held still while I tried to regain some of my

ed to find my release before her. I kept a relentless pace, watching her face the entire time. I saw the tension build, the helpless need in her

inferno between us burned as bright as possible, I slid my hand between our bodies and pressed my thumb against her

amon. Yes,”

dy went taut, and she screamed. Her orgasm finally tore through her, and it took me along with her. My cock jerked, and she shuddered when my

. When I had her settled on my chest, her body sprawled on top of mine, I sent up

we’d just bumped into each other during one of your brief visits before, there wouldn’t

y my bias against Timber Ridge kept me from staying longer than a day on the rar

she’d felt when her brother chose to join our pack. Cupping her cheeks with my palms, I claim

going to play the what-if game. The past doesn’t ma

on drained from her body. “Thank go

iness. But she’d transformed my future into something wonderful, no matter where we lived. “How would you feel about driving my truck out

at me with wide eyes. “Would you re

owns are just a place to live, but where we are doesn

it my job in person. And when we come back to Timber Ridge, I’ll get to work on opening up my very own restaurant. I already have the perfect c

pump harder through my veins at the possibility that my gorge

e back of my neck, her expression going soft. “You’ve changed my

n.” It felt as though the admissio

d. “How about you show

I was always more than ready to give my mate as many orgasms as she could handle.

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