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His Reluctant Mate

Chapter 8 Eight

Word Count: 1630    |    Released on: 26/07/2023


and I were mobbed by my nieces and nephew as soon as we walked throug

to settle down enough for me to answer. “I’ve been getting to know my mate.” “I’m so excited that Uncle Damon is your mate.” Kyla did a little dance and punched her fist into the air. She was the secon

n town on Monday as I’d originally planned, he hadn’t been happy about the delay. But he’d agreed it was necessary when I’d explained that I’d found my mate in Timber Ridge. His patience had a limit, though. If I wanted to keep my job, I needed to be back in

smile, I murmured, “That

apped her hands together. “Go

play with Aunt Trinity and Uncle Damon,” A

ed in agreement, following

his children a look that reminded me so much

pe eased their concern by assuring, “You still have a couple of hours befor

t with me even though I hadn’t spent as much time with them as I should have before now. I hadn’t been

to be alone while you’re in the early stages of mating and would have understood if you hadn’t

e’s jaw. “I don’t want to think about how my sister

when I’m going to be hanging out with your four cubs while you go out to celebrate your anniversary

other chuckled while shaking his head. “I guess I can’t argu

e covered her mouth as she gig

ble to name the next baby.” I rubbed my hands together and grinne

. “I’ve always thought Tri

The deal was that you watched our children so Calliope and I could go on our anniversary trip, but that’s not what happen

r I got here.” I fisted my hands at my hips. “Are you really go

s side. “It isn’t exactly flattering to have my mate talking a

imacing a little over how I’d worded that

rin. “But that doesn’t mean

totally fine with that since she’s spe

sister,” I objected, cros

you can’t say you and Tabara weren’t bossy as fuck even though

ttons just like he’d accused me of doing, I grinned.

e laughed and murmured,

you should keep your mate’s nickname for you in mind the next time

t two words. “I should have known you’d be a

ane. “He’d better not be a jerk to

t. “Have I mentioned how much I

baby?” I widened my eyes and pu

he tugged him over to the door. “But

eed with a tr

ure if you’ve considered this already, but I bet you’d m

hoed softly, surpris

lly launched for other people and what you could accomplish with your own place. You could take ev

howed me all of his favorite spots, but my first instinct was to reject the idea of openi

Your brother and I aren’t the only ones who are forced to drive an hour to have

a squeeze. “You m

sest to us have anywhere to eat that could be called fancy. You’d probably g

ll of the buildings downtown, so you wouldn’t pay rent. And I bet you could get a lot of your ingredients at lower prices from all the nearby farms if you dealt with them directly. And there are membe

in my head. “That just migh

ho would be interested in joining our pack,” Tane pointed out before leading his mate outside so they wouldn’t be

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