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His Reluctant Mate

Chapter 7 Seven

Word Count: 1587    |    Released on: 25/07/2023


insisted on it after she’d gotten Cason to share a bunch of stories about me at dinner last night. Kace had set him up with an apartment over one of the shops downtown so he had somewhere to stay while Trinity a

ishing, I was expecting them to be a lot bigger.” Trinity nudged the

gerated a little,” I

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since lo

and to place it next to mine. Once that was all done, I pulled her onto my lap, gripping her hips whi

arms around my neck. “What

nt them down and make th

ce I was speaking of men in general and not anyone in

my buttons hard enough, I’ll be forced to fuck my come into your pussy until it’s drippin

“You say that as though it’s a threat, but a few scre

. “Except there are too many boats out here for the kind of privacy I need to strip you bare and sink my cock i

er arm after she tilted her head to the side. Her plump lips curved up into a playful gri

tended to be possessive by nature, and I assumed that Trinity wouldn’t appr

ur animals out?” She wagged her brows. “My tige

de of my skin. “I fu

ld go. We’d already spent several hours on the water, which was longer than I’d expecte

d with a smile. “Just you and me without any interruption

ne time together. I didn’t want to pressure her about the possibility of staying in Timber Ridge, especially not when she was being such a good sport about me show

.” Timber Ridge offered shifters a fuck ton more freedom than that. We didn’t have to wait for pack runs if we wanted to shift. As long as we stayed on pack land—which we had in abundanc

ribed her family’s property. By the time she was done, I was looking forward to seeing the land for myself.

obody was nearby before asking, “Is you

door. Even though I was certain that nobody was around, I was still driven to protect my gorgeous mate. Plus, sticking close meant I was able to trail my finger down her spine when she whipped her shirt over her he

I claimed her mouth in a deep kiss before forcing my

our animals have had their fun.” It didn’t take long for her to strip out of the rest of her clothe

filled the air as her human form retreated, and her animal dropped to her paws in front of me. H

umped into my side and took off. I chased after her, my tail wagging as we took turns pouncing on each other before darting away. We spent more than an hour playing in the woods before we shifted back again, got dressed,

sked, pointing at a

r and rubbed my hands together with a grin.

eyes widened

miss being able to go to your favorite coffee shop each morning, so I thoug

y dick. But all thoughts of sex fled my brain when a tear spilled down her cheek. Setting the box back d

ppiness because buying a brand new coffee maker just so I could have a latte

what you need.” Even if it meant l

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