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His Reluctant Mate

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1777    |    Released on: 25/07/2023


n Timber Ridge. Fate had a wicked sense of humor, pairing me up with someone who represented everything I’d resented for so many years. But it didn’t matter how mismatched we were, I couldn’t turn my mate away. “I’m not going to reject him. I just need a minu

leveling a glare at Tane as his brother moved qui

liope laughed and shook her head, moving across the room to stand next to Tane. “I know it’s been

Of course not, baby. Every detail from when I walked into Kace’s house a

though you really think your sister could be wrong

r huffed as his s

wing my fated mate to stalk across the room toward me. When he got close, I dragged his scent into my lungs, and the woodsy fragrance full of the power of h

my head, I gripped the waist of his jeans so I wouldn’t sway as much while he stomped through Tane and Call

his bedroom, I was more than a little light-heade

til I was resting against the pillows

my palm down his bicep. “Just not us

of my head to lift his body about an inch above mine. “You better not be. I’

t before twining my arms around his

s shirt too. I was too distracted by the bunching of the muscles in his arms and the sight of his bare chest to pay much attention as he undid the button

the vein running down his e

” he reminded me as he slid his hands under my back to u

d, and I pressed my thighs together in the hope that the pressure would curb my fierce need for him. It didn’t work. I suspected tha

k to my chest to flick his tongue over one of my n

deep. I cried out and tried to lift my hips, but he pinned me down with his hands. He devoured me, eating my pussy as though he was dying for my taste. My breath was ragged, and my desperate cries filled the room. “Please. I’m so close.” “Then come for me,” he demanded, his wol

high after my body went limp, and goose bumps popped up at the scrape of his scruff

ittle thrill racing through my

of male satisfaction. “What else would I call my

nce, and he stared down at me as he inched the tip inside me. With our gazes locked together, he gripped my hips and pulled me against him as he slammed into me, ripping through the proof of my innocence with one powerful t

,” I gasped, clenching my

. The sensual tension between us wound higher and tighter with each thrust of his hips. His fingers dug into my skin as he powered into me

he marked my neck. My body went rigid as my pussy clamped down and strangled his cock. He pushed forward twice more before anch

reathed deep. A deep growl rumbled up his chest, and he wrapped my hair around his fist. Gently tugging my head

me believing it could get any better. But that was exactly what was supposed to happen when he sank his teeth into me while I was full

tiger responded in kind, her fur brushing the inside of my skin. She wa

s whole for the first time in my life. But that wasn’t enough for my tiger. My canines extended, and the pleasure I experienced grew even more powerful as I turned my head to sink them into Damon’s neck. Mark

each other, but Damon was somehow the most important person in my life already. I didn’t regret my quick acceptance of our mating, but I didn’t know how we could possibly mes

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