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His Reluctant Mate

Chapter 10 Ten: Epilogue 1

Word Count: 1047    |    Released on: 26/07/2023


d around the restaurant, searching for any

as he slid his arms around my waist, resting his hand

putting me on edge. Tonight was opening night for my restaurant, and despite my years of experience and

ope, but her two best friends had embraced me, and they were just as much my family as my sister-in-law. They, as well as many others

top procra

he doorway to the kitchen. The lion shifter’s hands were propped on her hips, and her expression was filled with ex

f with her, and I’d been amazed at their cohesiveness. They adored and respected the c

gled when the chef huffed and marched back into the kitchen. “The pl

close in age to Greenlee and Nyx. With the tendency for twins to come early, we couldn’t even predict who would be older. Damon rubbed my belly, and one of the babies kicked, clearly recognizing their daddy. “Time for you to sit down and relax, kitten. Trust the people you hired to do their job.” His tone was firm, and I knew he wouldn’t budge on forcing me to rest since we’d made a deal. When I found out I was pregnant, I’d already outlined a plan for opening my restaurant within six months. At first, Damon wanted me to put off the pr

gathered in the space. Cason had been feeling out of sorts and had taken off to spend a month or so with some friends,

d the babies shifted restlessly. I placed a palm over their resting place and rubbed soothing circles. When I felt the same sensation thr

de and fell to his knees in front of me. “Are you alright?” He

n labor. It would be hours before I was ready to give birth, and I want

tomach tightened again, Damon’s ey

and huffed, “Fine! I’m in labor

me into his arms and stalked to the door. The look on h

as clear enough that he knew I was thinking it anyway—he’d been right to rush us to

de it back, came in to see our precious little ones before

ng night had been a smash. She was holding Nyx in her arms when the door banged open,

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