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My Little Mate

Chapter 2 My Charge

Word Count: 1329    |    Released on: 17/03/2024


the teenagers who were given to me to train. I was doing push-ups with them when I suddenly felt

him, getting annoy

Luna is hur

ole hasn’t found a mate

s. And where we can find her and I hav

?” I

at we are the protector

and how can you b

me take control of your body and lead you to our l

ining partner Jay called

at’s wron

e. are you okay?” he asks and I

hy he was acting strangely for some reason and want

will handle it alone,” he said an

k, house my wolf takes over my

aid to me and I followed. The smell led me to the highway where I saw a car was crushed by a

s very faint what should

ook control of my body then started

uess he found her before us and took her with him, let

safe with him. let's go,” he said and we

out us being the protector

e going to find our luna today and we are going to be her protector, it is going to be

protects luna and is selected by the moon goddess to be the pr

ven if that means losing their life while protecting her. Their urge

ut something. I shift into my human form and walk towards one of the trees in whic

” Alpha Cole said to him looking down at the ground.

nt to find her but failed. When I reach the place where she was before I can’t find her and when I smell the scent of Alpha Cole there, I know that she will be there with Alpha

mation about her background like her family or anythin

cident and that is how we were able to find her,” Alpha Cole said to his fa

a human,” Stella asked me. I said yes and she looked at he

anning to do with h

tion couple to look after her like a warri

ect her and take care of her so I will do that as her uncle,” I said i

r male to see her or touch her like that except me when she is still a small baby, tell a female omega to do that,” Alpha co

warm bath and go to the doctor to get her checked by Megha our pack doctor to make sure she is fine she gets all the

fter a bath. I also made a mental note to go shopping to buy everything she was going to need. After she

y, I have also given her her vaccines, she is ready

ths old is sh

up is O+,” She said smiling at me and

n case we need it,” she said

room and mind link Alpha inform

there, I will be there in some time

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