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My Little Mate

Chapter 6 Cole is Jealous

Word Count: 1071    |    Released on: 17/03/2024


s sitting on my lap, playing with my phon

d,” she whines,

Maybe we should take a brea

s work first. Nikki can wait a

s been patient. Let’s give

Nikki whines louder, her v

t we go find the other pups? W

xcitement evident as she stands up on my thigh

Roy, I remind my wolf b


ueals, tugging at my fur a

d pick up

ning comes through, and

I gently set Nikki down before moving behind a tree to sh

s,” I tell her, taking a seat on a bench while N

carefree she is. I can’t help but envision our fu

d Nick from our pack. An unexpected growl rumbles in my chest, triggere

ool wif me! He my fwiend!”

e, though. The boy’s

politely, setting off another

d you better leave our mate alone,”

” Nick stammers

s upset, Cole’s voice fills my mi


holas,” I apologize, my heart achin

laims, her lower lip jutting o

rom Roy. I wince as the shift of power causes a

ke settling in. Nikki’s upset and it’s my faul

shes upstairs to her room,

rt Little Luna?!” Trevor

and hugs him. Then introduce him as her friend. Roy didn't like it and she wa

is still a child and doesn't understand the bonding between mates? So, you shou

ve with someone else?" I reasone

was impossible for her to fall for someone else. Since even though she was small she can still feel the bond between you guys and she is growing up in fro

rms off to comfort Nikki. I slump onto the sofa,


voice pierces through, reminding me of

We need to do something to make Ni

’s upset with us in the first pl

ologize and make it up to her, Cole

me, and I’m about to respond w

, frustrated with the on

et, grab a sweatshirt and pants, and

se some of the tension tha

kitchen to prepare something to eat.

her dinner? I ask throu

meal and even got her so

set with me? I

y to come up with a plan to make things

My wolf’s words still echo in my head, and I can’t shake the

leep would provide a brie


I eventually grab a pillow and a blanket, deciding to camp out near Nikki’s

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