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My Little Mate

Chapter 9 Cole is Back

Word Count: 1379    |    Released on: 17/03/2024


lso said he would buy some new toys for me to play with them, but I don't want toys I want him. I did not eat my dinner and breakfast, Trevor als

. Is that how Cole felt when I got upset? Is he punishing me by leaving me like this? If so then

or P

ki didn’t eat anything, not even ice cream. She keeps crying and keeps

me why Cole left him? did he leave him because she threw a fist when Cole scold

her, but she didn't listen to me and burst into tears. I really need to talk about this to Alpha Cole if this ke

e P

and she jumps into my arms, “I miss you this much!” She holds her arms out wide to show me

breathe in her chocolate and strawberry scent, mixed with the

pway with you Cone,” Nikki says,

r bath, you’re in your jammies. It’s time for bed. I rock her back an

Nikki,” she slowly

he murmurs just befo

” I kiss her forehead a

room after tucking her in the bed,” Trevor's mind lin

en I was out for

til I offered ice crea

hope she stops crying every tim

ve bad separation a

e’re in trouble. It gets worse

you, we should talk to the do

d, I hope it’s


d I am going to

im and we both went to o

to complete all my work today so that I can have a day off tomorrow and can spend my

n the desk and checked my emails while mind-linking her to look after Nikki for me. I know Nikki would not be happy knowing that I didn’t want to spend time with her after staying away from her for two day

after they were done with their breakfast and also bring mine with t

important file to go through that while I eat my breakfast. M

ike the Sunniwary branch of my office has no control over the expanses I have to do something before they get me on the straight.

branches of our Company. She is like another mother to me. If you guys wonder, does she knows of our kind then yes she does, she is Trevor’s mother and my

e, Cole Williams,”

ou, my child?” she ask

hat about you

f, how did you remember

hen I saw that one of them has no control o

aid in a teasing voice but I still manage

because of me Z

don’t have any time to spend with old little me,”

packs and business and after Nikki comes it becomes a lo

o,” she demanded and I nodded my head kno

id to scare them away you would still have the youn

e what branch are you t

gree with it and it's Sun

see you soon,” she said I said my go

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