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My Little Mate

Chapter 10 Nightmare warning

Word Count: 1400    |    Released on: 17/03/2024


hing otherwise you will fall sick,” I

but now I am failing to do the same. Nikki was very upset and refused to eat or d

stayed away from me for 2 days and got back to work, he didn’t

to eat anything, do you want him to stay hungry and fall sick?”

leaded with her while looking at Mealow and he w

in her baby voice while patting him an

to give me a ride on your wolf,”

her on the couch. I set his favorite cartoon show Ninja Hatori and feed her while also

g her giggle. I bent down a little for her to climb on me. She climbs on me and grabs my fur tightly. I let my wolf take over my bod

evor Wo

ody. Men it feels nice to be out after such a long time. I didn’t even

ors that he didn’t get any t

speed for some time then turn the

big enough for small children and one or two wolves to play in it. I

. She got inside the lake and played in the water while I sat there and watched her play. She tried to

,” she said to me, I barked and ent

play for some time then move out of the lake. I walk to a tree where we

r she had dried and changed her clothes, I bent down too little for

her and bow to her with respect. I told her to bath Nikki and tuc

ki P

e time in the lake Trevor took me back home and handed me to Luna. She takes me to Cole’s room and bathes me. Then

but I stopped her and requested her to tell me a bedtime story. She walks to ne

y. Long ago there lived a King and Queen who said every day,

frog crept out of the water and said to her, “Your wish shall be fulfil

had passed the Queen had a baby girl. The child was so beautiful and sweet that th


e pack house with my toys and Cole

ller ID and pi

away from his ear probably to see if the person

rking here,” he mu

, kissing my forehead and walking out of there. After some time I heard some noise and walked there to find its so

am e

He is the only thing, that comes to my mind. I push the

e P.

ord. As I was about to stand up from my seat and do some stretches bef

ell of chocolate and strawberry calmed me down. Th

something to you? Tell me I will make everything right,” I said while looking

ile hugging me crying her heart o

I would not let anything happen to

he asks in h

my arms and walking to my room. To the room, she said what if she has th

now it was a sign of upcoming trouble

e the bed myself and fall asleep w

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