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My Little Mate

Chapter 7 Kitty

Word Count: 827    |    Released on: 17/03/2024

e P.

rry please forgive m

ked away from me while

m,” I plead, trying to bribe a 2-year-old to stop be

she informs me, bouncing happily

an R

I’ll give you anything y

little face, “Anything?...” and I looked at

.” I said

” she said to me. I hold my hands in front

et me a pet,” she said while h

lked to my car and I dro

ou!” Nikki screams, cuddlin

ted didn’t I?” I say, bl

uld be a cat did you?” Trevor s

i declares, petting the

a baby,” I tell her, kissing her fo

y woom?” she a

sleep in your room,

, and give him ba

og,” Trevor laughs a

ay outsi

he kitten down and pick up Nikki, carrying her to her bathroom with the kitten following. I took my shirt away to bathe her

ent?” Nikki asks, inspecting m

es, it might change to look like mine when

mate is nake

smirking i

why we never give her baths. I should

I promise! I like be

I use big kid potty

, there is no arguing with a two-year-old, especially

e asks, looking behind

. Let’s join him,” I lift her out of the tub and qu

d into her toddler bed, coverin

tty before bed?” I as

o I lean down so she can kiss my cheek goodnight,“I w

forehead, turn on her night light and walk towards the door,

to go and sleep with my little mate. I take Me

me. I put my hand on my face to feel some hair and I know it was meadow on my face I pick it

ats they are wild and unpredictable. When I go back to my bed I feel my face fully healed all thank

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