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My Little Mate

Chapter 4 Shopping And Name Ceremony

Word Count: 1145    |    Released on: 17/03/2024

e P.

up to see if she has wet her clothes. I get out of my bed with her and change her diapers. Afte

e," I said as I took a

everyone wishe

ng for Nikki?" My father ask

st, where is Trevor,

r said while coming

dy, already?

od to us, takes Nikki in her arms, and feeds her, and we have our breakfast p

rience of having a child and their needs,"

epare for the fun

r the function," she said and walked out of the room after kissing my father, and we walked after her.

nking her eyelashes at Trevor and me flirtatiously and glaring a

u just do your work and stop flirting with my sons, it

aid with a huff, a

ur mother like that? I want to break her neck

een humans and second because she is a human if she were not, I would have done

hoodies for Nikki. After that, we walked to the furniture store, where

re we bought Jansen baby products, Tissue p

me and Trevor go to the food court with Nikki after keeping all the bags and things in the car a

wish my mate would not become shopping ad

bted it," my wolf R

you think tha

ake her shopping addicted while taking her shopp

said while shak

I ask, s

get lost in,

ould do in their bedroom when his

wiggling her eye

ed, and both of them

o you want, Tre

ou like to order for lunch

ken wing," I said to him, an

on about Nikki's parents?" I a

and her father's name is Elliot Walker. They own a sma

ation about Nikki's Parents. In that case, we will do their funeral, and a month later, we

the ceremony," Mom said, smiling at me. We pu

dy of a high-ranking werewolf. I called my lawyer to get the adoption paper ready for Nikki. I made Trevo

account so that in the future, if she wants to start h


while Nikki was still sleeping peacefully. Then I changed her into a lovely dress that I bro

e invited important people like my beta, gamma, he

ced them to Nikki. All of them love

ying, so we took her back. She was exhausted and fell asleep on my shoulder when the party was over. Hence, I take her to my room, change her i

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