Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure
e beginning, and that is with LIFE itself, for the processes of health, disease an
aling with an ultimate which no human mind is capable of solving or explaining. We can s
ring, conceptions of the nature of life o
he electric, magnetic and chemical activities of the physical-material elements composing the human organism. From thi
more advanced biologists as a result of the wonderful discoveries of modern science, w
by the old, crude, mechanical conception of vital force and this, as we sh
regards it as the primary force of all forces,
ll, the "logos," the "word" of the great creative intelligence. It is this divine energy which sets in motion t
orm of energy. It is intelligent energy; otherwise it could not move with that same wonderfu
ill and the intelligence of the Creator; as Swedenborg
cal charges (forms of energy) and with it the atoms, elements, and t
(which assumption, on the face of it, is absurd), is only an expression of the Life Force, itself a manifestation of the great creat
e vis medicatrix nature, which always endeavors to repair, to heal and to restore the perfect type. All that the physician can do is to remove
what we claim. All is God, all is mind! There is no matt
nd and Will. That, for all practical purposes, does not justify me to deny and to ignore its reality. Because I have an "all-min
affects us. We have to take it and treat it as we find it. We must be as
Is Vi
matter; that although infinitesimally small, it still represented solid matter. Now, in the light of better evidence, we have good reason to believe that there is no such thing as solid matter: that every atom is made up of charges of negative and positive electrici
iverse in itself in which corpuscles of electricity rotate or vibrate around one another like the suns a
e musical scale. Thus modern chemistry demonstrates the verity of the music of the spheres-another visionary concept of ancient mysticism. The individual atoms in themselves, as well as all the ato
es in unison with the harmonics of this great "Diapason of Nature"; in o
ealthy, vibrates in discord with Nature's harmonics. It
e with the score of the Symphony of Life. Man alone can play out of tune. This i
s of health and of disease, given in Chapte
he human entity on the physical, mental, moral and spiritual planes of being, in
s composing the human entity on one or more planes of being, in conformi
at the vibratory conditions of the organism must be in harmony with Nature's established harmonic
tablished Har
time, with the rotations of our earth around its axis. The established, regular movement of the earth forms the basis of the established harmonic relationship between the vibrations
ural, healthy, good, beautiful must vibrate in
the Only
accidental causes: to chance infection by disease taint
te disease and other tribulations to the ar
f evil are only errors of mortal mind, or the products of diseased imagination
lation of Nature's Laws; that it is corrective in its purpose; that it can be overcome only by compliance with the law.
e, to indifference or to wilfulness and viciousness. T
nctions of the body; that the processes of disease are just as orderly in their way as everything else in Nature; that we must not check or suppress them, but coopera
ruth that there is nothing accidental or arbitrary in the processes of health, disease and cure; that every changing condition is either in harmony
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who has learned to master his habits and his appetites so as to conform to Nature's Laws on the physical plane, and who has thereby regained his bodily health, realizes that personal effort and self-control are the Master'
nthusiasm which cannot be explained by the mere possession of physical health. These highest and purest attainments of the human soul are not the resu