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Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 2017    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

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ot primary, but secondary, manifestations of disease. There cannot arise any form of inflammatory disease in the system unless there is present some e

d the fundamental Law of Cure over two thousand years ago. I have expressed this law in the fol

scovery of other natural laws has done for physics, astronomy, chemistry and other exact sciences. It will transform the medic

to health and life. In other words, acute diseases cannot develop in a perfectly normal, healthy body living under conditions favorable to human life. The question may be asked: "If acute diseases represent Nature's healing efforts, why is it that people die from them?" The answer to this is:

rks on pathology admit the constructive and beneficial character of inflammation. However, when it comes to the treatment of acute diseases, physicians seem to f

Failure to understand this fundamental Law of Cure accounts for all the confusion on the part of th

ife, the Nature Cure school regards these forcible housecleanings as beneficial and necessary, so long, at least, as people will continue to disregard Nature's Laws. While, through its simple, natural methods of treatment, Nature Cure easily modifi

se so-called "acute" diseases. What, then, can be gained by suppressing them with poisonous drugs and surgical operations? Such practice does not allow Nature to carry on her work of cleansing and repair and to attain her ends. The morbid matter whi

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ist of Viru

lar medical science, but they point out the difference in the basic princi

in error, not in a few things only, but in most things. The foundation, the orthodox conceptio

ever will arrive at a correct solution if he continue to figure into all eternity. Neither can allopathy

ic prescriptions contain virulent poisons in some form or another and why su

ins poisons because drug poison kills and eliminates disease poison." We, however, claim that drug poison

fforts. All acute reactions represent increased activity of vital force, resulting in feverish and inflammatory conditions, ac

will, in allopathic parlance, cure (?) acute diseases. As a matter of fact, nothing more effectively paralyzes vital force and impairs the vital organs th

to discharge the morbid encumbrances; that the acute reaction is local, but that its causes or feeders are always constitutional and must be treated constitutionally. When, under the influence of rational, natural

of Dua

tween giving and receiving, between action and reaction. The very breath of life mysteriously com

aw of Compensation, or the Law of Dual Effect. O

d the ethical application

. For with the same measure that ye mete it

ly. What we gain in power we lose in speed or volume, and vice versa. This makes it possible for the mechanic, the scientis

I formulated the fundamental Law of Cure in the words, "Every acute disease is the result of a healing effort of Nature," this was but another expression

ry agent affecting the human organism produces two effects: a first, apparent, temporary effect, and a s

ood to the interior; but in order to compensate for the local depletion, Nature responds by sending great

e surface; but the secondary effect sends the blood back

g up the reserve stores of vital energy in the organism. This is inevitably fol

akness, numbness and death-like stupor; the seco

en in physiological doses, is usually due to Nature's efforts to overcome and eliminate these substances. The sec

operations. It administers remedies whose first effect is contrary to the disease condition. Therefore, in accordance with th

that this is so, for laxatives and cathartic

ncreased weakness, and their continued use often results in co

t, if due to constitutional causes, the pain, nervousness and insomnia will always return with redoubled force. If taken habitu

liminate waste and morbid matter through the mucous linings of the respiratory tract, and drive the

external elimination, create internal chronic diseases of t

s new disease symptoms which are in their turn cured (?) by other poisons, until the i

rinciple of homeopathy: ~Similia similibus curantur,~ or like cures like, it administers remedies whose first, temporary effect is similar to the disease con

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