Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure
reatment of Tonsilliti
phs are taken from an
1909, titled "Surger
l throw further int
of suppressing acute
te and chronic tonsillitis accompanied by enlargement and cheesy decay of the tonsils means that these glands have been h
r with scrofulous, venereal or psoriatic poisons, the tonsils are called upon, along with other organs, to eliminate these morbid taints. Is it any wonder that frequently
ur house are too small to carry off the waste, would you blockade or remove them? Still, this
lous glands, etc., a fontanelle has been established to which and through which systemic poisons make their way. If such an outlet be blocked by
wherever in the system morbid excretions, suppressed by medical treatmen
nds the nearest and easiest outlet through the adenoid tissues and nasal membranes. These now
t case, also, relief through the surgeon's knife is sought and then the process is revers
the mucous elimination increases to an alarming degree, and frequently polyps and other growths make their appearance or
inst local symptomatic treatment. Sc
s of the nose are now swabbed and sprayed with antiseptics and astringents, or 'burned' by cauterizers, electricity, etc.
es and the throat are now affected by chronic catarrhal conditions and there is much annoyance from phlegm and mucous dischar
y destroyed, the impurities must either travel upward into the brain or downward into th
it cannot help itself? In many instances the morbid matter affects certain centers in the brain and causes nervous conditions, hysteria, St. Vitus' dance, epilepsy, etc. In children the impuriti
e suppressive treatment, by drugs or knife, is again applied instead of eliminative and curative measures. The scrofulous poisons, suppressed and driven back from the disease
hronic catarrhal conditions, abnormal growths and in later stage
ocal symptomatic treatment and suppression by drugs or knife, b