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Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 3690    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

n Versus E

tive will probably be denied by my medical colleagues. They will maintain that their m

ther powerful poisons are constantly used to suppress skin eruptions, boils, abscesses, etc., instead of

te or astringent. These poisonous drugs relieve the cough and the catarrhal conditions by paralyzing the eliminative activity of the membranous linings of the nasal passages, the bronchi and

han to cure them by building up the blood and inducing elimination of systemic poisons by natural methods. But operative treatment is not eliminative. It does not remove from the

the body, weaken and destroy other parts and org

s physicians of other schools and of allopathy itself, prove positively that the average length of life after a major operation, performed on important, vital par

very common instances of suppression and some

constipation. Gonorrheal discharges and syphilitic ulcers are checked and suppressed by local injections, cauterization and by prescriptions contai

uterizatin, and by prescriptions containing mercury, iodine, and other poisonous alternatives

ks on ~Materia Medica~ and the professors in the colleges teach that these remedies lower the fever because they are "protoplasmic poi

ugs used for such purposes is a powerful poison which paralyzes brain and nerve action, in that way interfe

ich benumb and paralyze the brain and nerve centers. All that these sedatives accomplish is to p

duce these and many similar deceptive results through artificial inhibi

do, therefore, is not to suppress this elimination and thereby cause the accumulation of poisons in the brai

nd stimulants which are absorbed by scalp and brain, causing dizziness, h

dy live on scrofulous and psoriotic taints. When these are consum

people who have been exposed to them, but only with those whose internal or

that time the patients were living in the most clean surroundings, taking diffe

h parasites at some previous time, and that strong antiseptics,

emoval of lice only co

ic soaps shou

uppression of Ch

d by salves, cream, unsalted butter or merely by warm bathing, are often followed by chore

effects on the system, and represent well-defined, orderly natural processes for the elimination of inherited or acquired disease taints, drug poisons, etc. But if arrested or su

ect vital parts and organs permanently, causing the gradual deterioration of cells and tissues, a

d serum-treated acute diseases, which never occur where natural methods of healing have been correctly employed. Some of these

. They could be multiplied a hundred fold, yet medical science assures

octrine from an Al

geon and physician, these statements should carry some weight with those who, being unable to reason for themselves, worship at the feet of "authority." The quota

rican, Augus


ver-Dressing Given

ence he returned to Chicago yesterday, confirmations

n newspaper men more than all the world, except himself and a score of specialists like him, know about the fearful disease. He summed up his own learni

ailments,' Dr. Senn said. He could not find or hear of a case of cancer among the 'Hamites,' as he termed them. And from the fact that he found the disease, to be

used by O

articularly in the matter of diet and dress, the freer it is from

of women, like lacing, all those things he

e much less danger from cancer. Cancer itself is an over-fed thing-tissue that never matures, for if I could mature the cells I could cure the disease. The thing for people to do who fear they may have inherited it, is to l

s Afri

nn studied the African generally in his vo

ally I am certain Africans are of common stock. The negro is a negro wher

veins as we have in civilization. Hence their freedom from cancer. They live naturally, and are vegetarians mostly, while the Northern Esquimaux are meat-e

whites. The real curse of the coast country is malaria. It is bad all up and down the East shore. I kept away from it myself by taking five grains of

his long voyage, that his heart and nervous system had been seriously affected by the altitudes of the Andes and of other mountains. We wond

he Cause of Ch

men lived more naturally, the maj

art and mind with true simplicity and naturalness of living. Excessive meat eating, strong spices and condiments, alcohol, coffee, tea, overwork, night work, fear, worry, sensuality, corsets, high heels, foul air, improper bre

and the other organs of elimination are unable to keep a clean house, Nature has to resort to other, more radical means of purification or we should choke in our own impurities. These

elves on a speedy cure; but what is the true state of affairs? Nature has been thwarted in her work of healing and cleansing. She had to give up the fight against di

e organism is furnished by the Diagnosis from the Eye

ed. This process of suppression is repeated over and over again until blood and tissues become so loaded with waste material and poisons that the healing forces of the organism can

the increase of chronic dyspepsia, nervous prostration, insanity, locomotor ataxy, paresis, cancer, secondary and tertiary syphilis, tuberculosis and many other so-called incura

overlooked in his discourse on the causes of distructive ailments. If he had steudied his experiences in foreign lands in the light of t

to cite a few typical cases of suppression and the

and other diseases. In less than six months' time we cure the so-called specific diseases by our natural methods, provided they are not suppressed and complicated by mercur

cific poison, but much of hereditary and acquired disease matter also are eliminated in the process

n this connection we are dealing solely with the rational or irrational treatment of the infection after it

re these diseases innocently. Are we not justified in relieving their minds of needless fear and in showing them the way to prevent the drea

ts of the body, but these also are promptly suppressed with mercurial ointments and other alternatives. This process of suppression is continued for months and years, until the organism is so t

ure platform: "When, after two or three years of mercurial treatment, syphilitic symp

own to every physician, and because the patient thus cured (?) may turn up in the doctor's office at any time therea

rve matter of the brain and spinal cord, causing inflammation, excruciating headaches, nervous symptoms, girdle pains, etc. These stages of acute inflam

m to these dreadful conditions: mercury, iodine and other destructive alternat

of specific disease in her system, but four different times in her life she had been salivated by calomel (a common laxative containing mercury). This dreadful poison was given

ercurial poison in his boyhood days while attending a boarding school. He was twice salivated by mercurial ointments applied

tic infection from the nurse girl and kept the child under mercury for six months. How do we know that the diagnosis of syphilis was false? Because the iris of the eye revealed "ps

e Diagnosis

neurasthenia, epilepsy and idiocy, due to the pernicious effects of quinine, iodine, arseni

know that

is confirmed by the history of the patient. Because, under natural living and treatment, diseases long ago suppressed by drugs or knife reappear as healing crises. Because, in these healing crises, drugs indicated by the s


s the fact that he has taken large amounts of quinine for colds, la grippe or malaria. Under our methods of natural living and treatment, the patient improves; the organism becomes more vigorous, and the organs of elimination act more freely; the latent poisons are stirred up in their hiding places; healing crises make their appearance. The

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