Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure
f Disease a
es. Both a watch and a human body may function abnormally as a result of accidental injury or unfavorable external conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, etc. However, in
sons. It may lose time or stand still because (1) the wound spring has spent its force, or (2) its pa
causes of disease and of premature
bnormal composition
f morbid matte
the result of transgressions of natural laws in thinking, breathing, eating
mprehensive form the primary and the secondary causes or manifesta
roundings uncongenial to human life, all cause
ating, drinking, dressing, working, resting and in mo
econdary Caus
ly the lack of organic mineral salts and other essential nutritional elements. Accumulation of waste matter, morbid matter and poisons due to the first two causes, as well as to faulty diet, overeating, the use of alcoholic and narc
lcers, abscesses, germs, bacteria, parasites, etc. Mechanical subluxations, distortions and displacements of bony structures, muscles and ligaments; weakening and loss of reason, will, and self-control resulting in neg
the three primary cau
nizes the
ethods of
blishment of normal habits and s
to natural habits of life in thinking, breathing, eating, dressing, working, resting and in moral, sexual and social conduct. Correctio
ital Force, whi
ks. Scientific relaxation, proper rest and sleep. Proper food
ion, which
on. Chiropratic or osteopathy, massage, and other manipulative treatment. Correct breathing, curative gymnastics. Such medicinal
ble to the existence of human life, can be attributed to one or more of three primary causes (as outlined in Tables I and II). When we succeed in proving that all disease originates from a few simple causes, it will not
rimary Caus
he three primary causes
ed Vi
ning of a watch. When the wound spring h
ning their growth and development. Even the healthiest of animals living in the most congenial surroundings in the freedom of Nature do not much exceed th
is claimed that according to the laws of longevity his average length of life should be considerably over one hundred years, while according to life insura
large cities report that seventy-five percent of all school children show defective health in some way. Diagnosis from the Eye proves that the remaining twenty-five percent are also m
lly wrong somewhere in the life habits of man, and that there is ample reason for the great health-reform movement which was started about the middle of the
d the natural treatment of diseases, human beings will approach much more closely the normal in health, strength, beauty and l
by the present generation. The enthusiasts who claim that they can, by their particular methods, achieve perfect health and live the full term of human life, are destined to disappointment. We are so ha
bucks are the rulers and maintain their sovereignty over the younger males of the herd solely by reason of their superior strength and prowess. Premature old age, among hum
, the greater the vitality, the more there is of str
ple of polarity, which expresses itself in the duality and unity of positive and negative affinity. The swaying to and fr
icines, suggestion and all the other different methods of therapeutic treatment exert on the individual subjected to them either a positive or a negative influence. It is, therefore,
lowered resistance to the accumulation of morbid matter, poisons, disease taints,
overed, somewhat raised in the center, and sloping towards the circumference. The wheel rotates horizontally, evenly with the floor or ground. The merrymakers pay their nickels for the privilege of throwing themselves flat down on the wheel and attempt
erve as an illustration of that which we call vigorous vibration, good vita
n the cells, and of the cells in the organs and tissues of the body. The more rapid and vigorous this vibratory activity, the more p
sease Residen
is born, grows, eats, drinks, throws off waste matter, multiplies, ages and dies, just like man, the large cell. If the individual cell is well, man, the complex cell, is well
out in a natural way by advancing age, or in an artificial way through wrong habits of livin
atter in the tissues, blood vessels and nerve channels of the body. Such clogging will interfere with the inflow of life force and with the free and harmoni
fere with the inflow and distribution of the vital force. It also becomes apparent that in such cases the Nature Cure methods of eliminative treatment, such as pure food diet, hydrotherapy
osition of Bl
oportions. Chem-istry has discovered, so far, about seventeen of these elements in appreciable quantities and has ascertained their functions in the economy of the body. T
ore, these must contain all the elements needed by the organism in the right proportions
the majority of these diseases are caused by an unbalanced diet, or by food and drink poisoning. Wrong food combinations, on the one hand, create an overabundance of waste and morbid
estore and maintain the positivity of the blood and of the organism as a whole through providin
of Morbid Mat
in the body. If, in addition to this, food and drink contain too much of the waste-producing carbohydrates, hydrocarbons and proteins, and not enough of the eliminating positi
jority of all diseases arising within the human organism. This will be explained fully
pendent upon an abundant supply of life force, upon the unobstructed, normal circulation of the vital fluids and upon perfect oxygenation and combustion. Anything that interferes with these essentials causes disease; anything that promotes them establishes health
on with lowered vitality. Let us now see how disease and
n {1853-1935}, Indio-American Book Company, Chicago, IL. 1907.] has described most graphically in the chapter on Self-Control how fear, worry, anxiety and all kindred emotions create in the system conditions similar to those of freezing; how thes
and the constructive emotions of faith, hope, cheerfulness, happiness and love exert a relaxing, harmonizing influence upon the tissues, blood vessels and nerve channels of
in the physical body are wrought by vibratory changes in atoms, molecules and cells. Health is satisfied polarity, that is, the balancing of the positive and negative elements in harmonious vibration. Anything
ave been thinking of the body as a solid and imponderable mass difficult to control and to change. This conc
nse distances. We know that in similar manner the atoms vibrate in the molecule, the molecules in the cell, the cells in
ily swayed and changed by the vibratory harmonies or discords of thought
sensation of physical weakness, discomfort or pain. The servants lorded it with a high hand over the master of the house, and the result was chaos. Under the new conception, con
it, the superman retains perfect poise and confidence under the most trying circumstances. Animated by an abounding faith in the supremacy of the healing forces within him and sust