Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure
ish diseases are just as natural, orderly and lawful as anything else in Nature, that, therefore, after t
hods of treatment. To check and suppress acute diseases before they have run their natural course means to suppress Nature's purifyi
heir general trend has been to prove one of the fundamental princip
r causes, their purpose, and if conditions are favor
neficial. I demonstrated that the microorganisms of disease are not the unmitigated nuisance and evil which they are commonly regarded, but that, like everything else in Nature, they, too,
nation of the processes of inflammation and their progressive development through five well-def
y of Inf
plex activities of the human organism. More than anything else it confirms to me the fund
h excitants of inflammation may be dead cells, blood clots, fragments of bone and other effete matter produced in the system itself or they may bein sufficient strength to call forth the reaction and opposition of the healing forces, the mic
orhood of the excitant dilate and increase in size. The distension of the blood vessels stretches and thereby weakens their walls. Throug
mbers like soldiers summoned to meet an invading army. This faculty of the white blood corpuscles to apprehend t
sting microbes. They contain certain proteolytic or protein-splitting ferments, by means of which they decompose and digest poisons and hostile microorganisms. On account of their activity as germ destroyers, these cells have bee
of the brave little soldiers are destroyed by the poisons and bacteria which they attack and swallow. What we call pus is made up of the bod
ng due to increased blood pressure, congestion and the accumulation of exudates; the pain due to irritation and to pressure on the nerves. We can also
the blood serum. Science has named these defensive proteins ~alexins.~ It has also been found that the phagocyte and tissue cells in the neighborhoo
, Nature Prov
n the yeast germ, which thrives and multiplies in the presence of sugar in solution. Living on and digesting the sugar, it decomposes the sugar molecules int
ucts which gradually inhibit their own growth and increase. The vaccines, serums and antitoxins of medic
f disease germs until the morbid matter on which they subsist has been decomposed and consumed, and until the inflammatory processes have run their course through the five stages of inflammation; while serums and antitoxins giv
tages of I
ation it will have become clear that they are also uniform in their pathological development. The uniformity of acute inflammatory processes becomes still more apparent wh
ation, the time between the exposure to an infectious disease and its development.
ns of the body. When they have accumulated to such an extent as to interfere with the normal functions or to endanger the health and life of
and, and the poisons and microorganisms of disease on the other hand, gradually progresses, accompanied by a correspondi
lation of exudates, to pus formation, the development of abscesses, boils, fistulas, open sores, etc., and to other morbid changes. It involves the
they are supported by right treatment which tends to build up the blood, increase the vitality and promote elimination, then the poisons and the micro
lace during the period of abatement. It is accompanied by a gradual lowering
ion, the work of rebuilding the injured parts and organs begins. More or less destruction has taken place in the cells and tissues, the blood vessels and organs of the areas involved. These must now be reconstr
cute disease, whatever its name and description may be, will prove beneficial to the organism because morbid matter, foreign bodies, poisons and microorg
air. It has cleared the system of impurities and destructive influences, and re-established wholesome, normal
ssed by poisonous drugs, the ice bag or surgical operations, or if the disease conditions in the system are so far in the ascendancy that the healing
on During
es of In
ollowed by natural living and eliminative treatment. To this I would reply: "Such procedure always involves the danger of
oisonous drugs and other unnatural means, because we can easily and surely cont
ons by following the development of various diseases through the five stages of in
ing a
cold I took at such and such a time, etc. Then I have to explain that colds are not taken suddenly and from without but that they come from within, that their period of Incubation may have extended ov
us follow the development of a cold from start to finish. This will throw some light on the question as to whether it can be caught,
d portions of the skin the pores close, the blood recedes into the interior, and as a result of thi
kidneys and intestines are in fairly good working order, these organs will take care of the extra amount of waste and morbid materials in place of the temporarily inactive skin and eliminate them without difficu
this, the vitality has been lowered through excesses or overexertion and the vital fluids are in an abnormal condition, then the morbid matter thrown into the circulation by the chilling and temporary inactivity o
mucous discharges, diarrhea, leucorrhea [vaginal dis-charge], etc. In other words, these so-called colds are nothing more or less than different forms of vicarious elimination. The membranous linings of the internal organs are doing the work for the inactive,
ics, germkillers and antipyretics? Is it not obvious that such a procedure interferes with Nature's purifying efforts, that it hinders and suppresses t
ve but one result, n
nd healing efforts i
cold draft, or the wet feet, as in the primary causes of all disease: lowered vitality, dete
ld may have extended over many
restoring the natural activity of the skin, kidneys and bowels by means of wet packs, cold sprays and ablutions, sitz baths, massage, chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, homeopathic re
on During
f Infla
stage the affected parts and organs are involved in more or less disintegration. They are filled with morbid exudates, pus, etc., which interfere with and make impossible n
the proceedings the owner discharges the workmen and the house is left in a condition of chaos. Surely, this would not be rational. It would leave the house unfit for habitation. But such a pro
raced numerous cases of chronic affections of the lungs and kidneys, of infantile paralysis and of many other chronic ailments
by Means o
r great West Side [Chicago] hospitals. On investigation I found that the patient had entered the hospital suffering from a mild case of pneumonia. The doctors of the institut
nued icy cold applications chill the parts of the body to which they are applied
ation in the lungs had been arrested and suppressed during the stage of destruction, when the air cells and tissues were filled with exudates
from the acute to the subacute and chronic stages and the doctors in charge had told his friends
ansferred to our institution, and we began at once to apply the natural methods of treatment. Instead of ice packs we used the regular cold-wate
he blood into the surface, thus promoting heat radiation and the elimination of morbid ma
ish processes suppressed by the ice packs soon revived, became once more active and aggressive, and were now al
ntered our institution, his friends bought him a ticket to sunny Greece. He had a goo
he lungs and the resulting asthmatic or tubercular conditions, which had be
lts either in paralysis or in death. In many instances, acute cerebrospinal meningitis is changed in this way
such cases in all stages of development from the acute infl
he water compress or pack warms up quickly, and thus brings about a natural reaction within a few minutes, while the ice bag or pack continually chills and practically freezes the
During the
ges of In
sues and organs, gain the victory over the inimical forces which are threatening the health and life of the organism, then the symptoms of inflammation, swelling, redness, heat, pain and th
ated, Vital Force, "the physician within," will commence to regen
are completed, then the affected parts and organs will not have a chance to become entirely well or strong. Th
ts of Drug-Trea
ring from chronic indigestion, malassimi-lation and malnutrition caused by drug-treated typho
orbent vessels in the intestines, and appears in the iris of the eye when these structures have been injured or atrophied by drug, ice or surgical treatment. Wherever this has been done, the
ese sloughed membranes give the stools of the typhoid fever patient their peculiar pea soup appearance. In a similar manner th
f Destruction, Absorption and Reconstruction, Nature will rebuild the membranous and glandular structures of the intestinal
structive agents, Nature's processes are interfered with, prematurely checked and suppressed, then the sloughed membra
ears to die a gradual, miserable death through malassimilation and malnutrition, which usually end in some form of wasting disease, such as pernicious anemia or tuberculosis. If he does not actu
e for t
ced medical science has adopted the Nature Cure treatment, that is, straight cold water and fasting,
It is a strange and curious fact that so far they have never found it worth while to do so. All Nature Cure physicians know from their daily experience in actual practice that the simple wat
for drugs and serums to kill the typhoid and tuberculosis bacilli in these, the two most destructive diseases afflicting the human family. They were forced to admit that the simple remedies of
tural lines, they would attain infinitely more satisfactory results th