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Carrying The Billionaire's Son

Carrying The Billionaire's Son



"Mommy look oh! There's a barbie!" I laughed when my son pointed to the big barbie in a toy store, I can really see it because it's right in front. "Do you want to buy it baby?" I will tease him. He just made a wish, goodness does he know how to make a wish? "Mom! You know im a boy. And barbie is not for me!" its defense. I just laughed, yes he is a boy. I was just pissing him off, because I wanted to piss off the baby but I really love him. We just went out of the toy store because he just insulted the toys on display there. I don't know if it's necessary to go to the mall if it's just insulting? "Mommy, I'm so happy!" he shouted smiling as I held his hand. "Hmm? And why is that baby?" I asked him and continued walking. "Because your always busy, I missed hanging out with you, playing with you, I miss mama" something touched my heart which makes me very emotional. Awww my heart baby, "Sorry baby, I'll get back to you. You know that I loved you right?" I asked him and he gave me a happy smile. "Yes mommy, I love you too, a million million times" he hugged me tight. I almost cried because of what my baby said. He maybe a mistake made by his father but I don't look at him that way, I love him and giving birth to him was my precious gift God gave to me. He is my life, my precious gift I can't live without. And even though it was difficult for me to conceive and raise him, it was all worth it. The pain, the sufferings, the emptiness I have felt was filled with happiness when my baby arrived. Its the duty of an omega, to find an alpha who satisfies and loved you till death, but it was just a mistake made by that m*therfucker?! A sound of an ice cream truck swept the baby away. His favorite is the one and only ice cream. Yep, you give him what he wants, he will follow what you want. Thats how he is very easy to manipulate... "Baby? Would you like an ice cream?" I asked here which explained to his face. "Really mommy?" he asked. I nodded and took his hand and started walking towards where the ice cream truck was "Baby" I called her and she turned to me. "Yes mommy?" he asked smiling. I'm sure he is very excited about the ice cream. "Stay here okay? Mommy will buy you an ice cream" I said and he nodded. I was relieved because of his answer. Even though I was nervous, I turned to the man who was selling ice cream. "Good afternoon!" I greeted her and smiled. "Good afternoon." he said smiling and arranged to use her. "Please buy two chocolate ice creams" I said here and he nodded. "For your son?" he asked and I nodded. "You're lucky, Iho" I turned my gaze to him, who I had been watching how he was making the ice cream. "Yes, I am very lucky. Because my son is alive, he is my happiness. Even though it was difficult for him to come out of my womb, it was relieved by happiness because he lived here" I explained at length that he became emotional with the man . "Yes? Why?" "Nothing. I just miss my son" the man smiled bitterly. "Here, take care of your child, right?" I nodded and paid the man. Poor him, I don't want to lose my son. I don't want to lose my life, my happiness. "Baby?" I call it. I turned to where he was earlier, but to my surprise he was gone. I can't stop panicking. No?!!! No please!! My baby?! Where are you?!!! Baby?!!!! "Baby?!!!" I called it but nothing. I started looking, I don't care if someone is looking at me, I have to find the baby. "Miss, have you seen my son? He's wearing a coffee brown jacket and black pants, his hair is pure black" He just shook his head. Oh my god?! how is it?? Where do I look now? The size of this mall, I can't find him especially when I'm alone. God?! Maybe he blinked? Take it for the money??? I have no money? Oh my god! No please. Please not my Winter! "Mommy!" I quickly turned to where that voice was. I saw him holding a teddy bear and looking at the man kneeling now and in front of him, I didn't recognize him anymore and turned around. I quickly ran to where Winter was and quickly knelt down and hugged me

Chapter 1 charismatic and ruthless aura

Chapter 1


I quickly turned to where that voice was. I saw him holding a teddy bear and looking at the man kneeling now and in front of him, I didn't recognize him anymore and turned around.

I quickly ran to where Winter was and quickly knelt down and hugged him. The man stood up because of my haste.

"Oh god! Winter! Are you okay? I told you to stay! I told you not to leave? Im worried!"

"Mommy, I'm sorry. I loved the teddy bear because" he replied crying so I just kissed him. "Sorry for making you worried mommy, I won't do it again" I just smiled and nodded.

"Is he your son?"

My smile disappeared when I heard that voice. Even though I haven't looked at it yet, I know exactly who it is. I was nervous and couldn't move. Worry covers my whole body.


I stood up on my knees and faced him. My forehead creased when I saw how he never changed. His blueish icy cold eyes are still there, his charismatic and ruthless aura.


I held Winter's hand knowing that he was already looking at it. I hid Winter behind and faced him.

"Is he your son?"

I am now shaking with fear. I swear to god?! What the hell is he doing here?! I took a deep breath and answered him. "Yes"

"Who is he mommy?" Winter asked behind me.

I was nervous there. Who is he to you Winter... He turned to me and didn't look at Winter. "Hes..." he was still looking at me. Waiting for an answer. So I'm nervous. "He's just a stranger baby.."

Winter left hiding behind me which made me very nervous. He looked at Winter and turned to me.

"Is he my son?"

I almost passed out from his question. "No" I quickly answered this. I know my voice is about to break.

His eyes were very cold earlier, but they became even colder with my answer.

"Is that so?"

"Yes" I boldly answered him face to face. "You are not the only man I accept in my life Ace. So please stop assuming"

I looked up then picked up Winter and left that place. Oh god?! Is it really now?? I'm not ready yet! I hope he didn't notice.

"Mommy is he just a stranger?" I nodded. "Really? But we have the same eyes Mommy"

I stopped walking when that sentence. came out of Winter's mouth. He noticed that. I closed my eyes, im sure he noticed that too, i know Draven is not stupid.

F*ck?! You know it Ferry he is not st*pid.

Oh sh*t should I run away again? But I know he will find a way to find out who Winter's father is. He is rich, he can turn the world upside down just get what he wants.

And that's what I'm scared of. How he gets what he wants because of his money and that attitude...

Winter Artemisse was Draven Hellion Yuchengho's son.

"Nanny Merlyn, please take care of the baby first," I said to Nanny Merlyn while I was arranging my things for work. "And if you go out, don't talk to anyone"

"Yes? Why? Do we have a problem, sir?" Nanny Merlyn asked. He must have noticed that I was restless.

I just shook my head. "There is no nanny" im scared that will happen again. I'm really scared, he might take my child. How can I live without my baby? I turned to Winter.

"Baby, mommy will go now"

He looked up at me. "Mommy can you not go to work today?" It has puppy eyes and a pout. I laughed and shook my head.

"No baby, you know this is for you, don't you?" I asked him but he just shook his head.

"Mommy, I wanna go with you" he replied crying. I frowned when I saw my baby hurting. I know, it's hard for me too. But I don't have any money to support him.

"Of course baby, but ill ask my boss permission first" I smiled at him and his face lit up.

"Really mom?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yes, so stay here okay? Wait for me" I kissed him on the forehead and kissed him. "I love you baby"

"I love you a million gazillion times mommy"

"Oh gay? It's your morning today?" Mj greeted me when I entered our room. Im a flight attendant, and Mj too.

"Mj.... He.... He....bye... Winter.. " I stammered to him and sat on the chair. "He met my son"

I'm in tears because of what I said. He might take the baby, No! He can't take my son. My baby is my everything.

"Wait a minute" Mj handed me a tissue and I wiped my tears. "You look like you've lost your mind, are you crazy?"

"Draven saw my son"

His eyes widened. He was so shocked by what I said, he even screamed as if he saw something in front of him.

"You're crazy" I screamed.

"Draven? As in Draven Ace Yuchengho?!!" he still asked. I nodded, "Omg! He is your son's father??"

"Draven? As in Draven Hellion Yuchengho?!!" he still asked. I nodded, "Omg! He is your son's father??"

I slapped him. How annoying is it if someone overhears? Maybe there is someone watching over here who is Draven's staff.

"What? Tsk! Need to repeat?" I said to him annoyed.

"Omaygod!" he even fanned himself.

"Are you Winter's mother?" I struggled.

He has calmed down now because of the water I gave him. Tsk, yes, I can't pretend who is not the mother.

"What happened?"

I told him everything. From the beginning when Winter disappeared and the time I found him and his father was still with him.

"What's your plan?" I stopped at that question.

What exactly? "I will hide my son?" I'm really scared.

"Are you going to be a runaway boy again?" he looked at me. "You think he won't find you? For god sake were talking about Draven here?! He can turn the world upside down just to find you"

"He doesn't love me" I said. It's true, he doesn't and will never love me.

"Yes, but you have his son. Why don't you let him meet his son? You know he will change because of the child."

I just shook my head. I know Draven too well, I know how hard he is, how much he has tasted hellish life. And if im gonna tell him about Winter, he will take my son away.

"What really happened? Draven is not a r*pist to sho*t that to you"

I looked at him. I never told him about what happened four years ago, maybe he really needs to know the truth.

"It all started at my work performance"

My work performance that changed my life...

"Mom! I'm over there" I called mom and slowly removed her from the chair.

"Don't worry, I can do it. Maybe we have the same strength as the buffalo" said mother softly and coughed.

Sigh. "Mom, rest for now. I'll be here" the mother smiled and nodded.


I have started making Salukara. This is a famous food in Zumaragga Island, here in Samar. We live a simple life, even though I know we experienced hardship because father left us but mother did everything so that we could live life. "Here! Come back!"

The next day I went to work at a popular bar here in Zumaragga. When it was owned by the Yuchenghos, the rich in this area. Mother belongs to the Hacienda of Yuchengho, she works here from Monday to Friday. Our Salukara is Saturday and Sunday.

"Good evening!" I warmly congratulate our boss. I've been here for a long time, I've been singing here in this bar for a year. The pay is great and they are kind so I liked it even more.

"Oh Ferry, the Yuchenghos will visit here. You are the one we will sing today" my eyes widened. Huh? I didn't agree with that? I'm not very good.

"Po? Well, I'm not very good at singing" I denied this.

"Alright Ferry, you're good" I sighed and nodded. "Really? Thank you Ferry, I will pay your salary, don't worry." I smiled then shook my head.

"Don't. You might get angry at my other job because my salary has increased" he smiled and patted my shoulder then left.

Even though I was nervous, I dressed in what I will wear today. I'm also annoyed because it's female! I know my gender. I'm an omega. But I don't want this sometimes! Especially since I'm a man! But I'll just wear this dress I need it for the bar.

It's just a black dress tube three inches above my knees. but there are white pearls in the dress, it almost hugs my body curve. I know I'm a man but I have a feminine body.

I was nervous going up to the stage. Suddenly the surroundings got dark and only one spotlight lit up, it was in the center of the stage and it was waiting for me. I sighed and came to the center.

The band started playing and I got ready to sing.

🎶Even in my heart I see

You're not being true to me

Deep within my soul I feel

Nothing's like it used to be🎶

My ears immediately heard applause. I don't know if it's just now because it's just now that I'm nervous when singing.

🎶Sometimes I wish I could turn back time

Impossible as it may seem

But I wish I could so bad, baby

Quit playin' games with my heart🎶

I just closed my eyes and felt the song. It was my first time to sing Quit playing games with my heart by the Backstreet boys.

🎶Quit playing games with my heart

Before you tear us apart

Quit playin' games with my heart

I should've known from the start

You know you got to stop

You're tearing us apart

Quit playin' games with my heart🎶

My eyes wandered mid-singing. I'm looking for something, but I don't know what or who.

🎶I live my life the way

To keep you comin' back to me

Everything I do is for you

So what is it that you can't see?🎶

I found myself staring at a man in a business attire suit. Our eyes met, his eyes are bluish icy like the ice from far away land. Etchos! my english! The coldness of his eyes, it speaks of his fearsomeness.

🎶I live my life the way

To keep you comin' back to me

Everything I do is for you

So what is it that you can't see?🎶

I finished the song and we were still staring at each other. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Something is there because... I just can't describe it. The crowd in the bar cheered and the surroundings went dark. I got off the stage and drank some water.

"I know you're good!" Peach shouted with a smile. Our boss.

"Ho? No" I shook my head but it messed up my hair.

"Come, I will introduce you to the Yuchengho brothers"

I nervously nodded and followed. We got to a

VIP ROOM is only for the rich.

"Hello! Good evening Yuchenghos!" Boss greeted warmly. "This is Ferry Ghail Celestia" I grimaced. My name sounds feminine. Mother thought I was a girl because she didn't ask what gender I was because she was excited.

"Nice to meet you" I replied politely and smiled at them. They are four brothers, all boys.

"I'm Drake Yuchengho. I'm the big bro!" he gave me his hand. Drake is handsome, very handsome. I can't describe it.

"Derek Yuchengho" he gave me his hand and winked at me? Is this a sureball man?! But her beauty cannot be denied.

Next is the one I was staring at earlier. My heart beat faster. I'm nervous that I might be sued!

"Draven Hellion Yuchengho" he responded coldly. Didn't even reach out!

"Hi! I'm Danver Vhel Yuchengho! Or Dan!. Nice meeting you!" that one is positive. Dan is so cute! Too much!! But Draven and Danver look almost alike, you can't tell they're real faces. It's just different when Danver is positive, Draven is still cold from the freezer.

"Be here first" said the boss. I just nodded. We were left silent. No one said anything.

"Your so beautiful! And you also had a beautiful voice!" broke Danver's silence. I just smiled and shook my head.

"Not really. I'm nervous" laughed Drake.

"It's like you're going to poop, isn't it?" I hit Drake on the shoulder and he just laughed.

"G*go?! No!" I shouted here and they laughed. Well except for Draven. Thank you! Does it have a mouth?

"Let's drink everyone!!"

A few hours ago we were drunk. Except for Drake. I'm really dizzy because of the amount of alcohol I drank.

"Ferry ill put you to your room" Drake replied seriously and supported me. I shook my head.

"No! I can still Drake! What are you?" he shook his head.

"No. Just listen to me, you drunk"

I laughed and stood up. "Asuuss. You're still handsome when I'm drunk" he said to her with a pout.

He chuckled. "Pfft. Your funny Celestia" I smiled widely. And stand well.

"Im Ferry Ghail Celestia! Announcing that Drake is the handsomest man I've met!!!"

He laughs and so am I. We laugh together, until we reach the workers' room. "Thank you"

He left and spoke. "Ill be back. Dont worry" I nodded and took off the flat sandals.

the door opened only a few minutes later. I didn't pay attention to that because maybe it was just Drake. I know he will come back.

"Drake? Is that you?" I ask here.

"Why Drake?" my eyes widened. I know that voice... Holy sh*t! No way?! I couldn't move. "I'm here"

I just felt that he was getting over me. He smelled my neck and I stifled a m*an and giggled.

He started kvssing my neck and l*cked it. It's like his food. I feel a strange warmth from what he is doing. All I know is that I like it and I'm sick of what he's doing.

His kiss rose from the neck. Like he was on a journey. he kvssed my cheek, my ear, and claimed my lips. I opened my mouth, and no doubt I answered that

His hand traveled down my body. He caressed my neck, my arms, that will come back and it gave me a tingling sensation. He claimed my n*pples and s*cked it which made my stronger.

He touched the part between my legs and I m*aned again. And when he inserted his finger there I almost fainted from the sensation I felt.

"F*c-" i c*rsed but he didnt let me finish he kissed me and continued kissing down and down until he reached my breast. He l*cked and s*cked the top of my m*und and his finger thrust into me faster and faster.

He stopped and positioned himself. And one great thr*st, he ent*red me whole.

It's like something is stuck in my middle.

I cried in pain. But he touched my cheek "Shh" he said between our kvsses. When he started to move, the s*kit was gone and I was meeting his every move. He licked my n*pples again and his thr*st became f*ster and f*ster.

And he finally reached his limit. And realization struck me when I felt his l*quid f*lled inside me..

To Be Continued...

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