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Criminal Types

Criminal Types



Word Count: 4797    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

are, but there is n

to individual intent. That will be so because the underly

e depth of depravity, the which is no respector o

; laterally-extended side-jaw bones; protruding fore jaw; the ape's forehead, marked by the ape's fuzzy hairline, the same fuzzy hair extending inward from under the outer edges of the eye sockets; eagle's beak, or more commonly, the tangential, flattened nose of th

honest freemen feature the same signs, and do no worse than dissemble, as more or less do all humans. And it is further true

, foregather in the same caves of earth, affect the same mannerisms and mental attitude, and spend ill-gotten gain for intrinsically the same things, if over different counters;

s match; yet no two will be actuated by absolutely the same motives, and no two will have come by motives to act in absolutely the same way. The demarcation may

one would ride rough-shod and quickly over human life to what he seeks. The other balks, then and

t to help whirl the treadmills of parasitic sporting mongers. He is the pawn sacrificed in the all-comprehensive predal game. His the lay to go out and "get the goods," somewhere, anyway; theirs to induce him to stake his loot against odds that are unbeatable at long play. He takes all of the chances coming and going; b

and his punishment for getting it the way he gets it; and so, while plying their nefar

tchel containing a small fortune, "plant" the fortune, then if caught and convicted, loll around a prison for a few months;

regard for restitution of that which he had stolen. In many cases the time served is little more tha

ands of dollars, in the imprisonment of a malefacto

hort prison term that leaves the prisone

issues written to their hands, hearts, and natural predilections

how deter him through laying odds in his favor

and out of prison, on the won't-work criminal rounder, and bli

individual, you will have it that way, why feel peeved about it, shall an automatic be s

onable limit. This, as to immediate restitution of "planted" loot not only; but the sentence should further amerce to a fine of the

er amerce to stated monthly payments by the prisoner on parole, to be held reasonably to his last

such law could and should be framed so as to embrace the great bulk of predal offenses, and still carry

offenders. Unquestionably that would be so in isolated instances, albeit the bulk of pr

t pressure to bear in order to stop the thief; particularly, marauding and foraging thieves. And agai

n-bons should be tossed to the former; but that very close to even-handed justice should be meted out to the latter. So much di

nsideration of the peace and security of the great mass must go before emotional procedu

d social hyenas, is to furnish them with t

e," he shall have, mayhap, for the first time in his life, absorbed an awakening respect for the law of consequence. And having got so far, mayhap there will be hope for him; but not so, so long as society pr

ould be brought home to him in a parole paper contingent upon his restoration, dollar for dollar, of that of which he had deprived another. Thereafter, raise the imposition to suit repetition, so long as he is

o take to thieving as ducks to water; but they would serve in due time to cause the bulk o

an, he will take a "flyer" here and there at his craft, especially while the police are combining for those of his kidney; but consecutive, concentrated endeavor in a humdrum groove he will

men, with nerve and daring, take the longest chance with superior intelligence and engraving skill, and keep paying tellers agog. Those who pack a plausible "gift of gab," backed by no mean knowledge of the intricacies of high finance, as well as where the same does and does not trench upon legal proscriptions, constitute the Wallingfords of "fake" promotion; and lesser lights of the same persuasion who have neither the smoothness of personality, approach and attack of their bigger brot

gh-wit of his class of exceptional nerve and resourcefulness, to the first of which he is commonly helped by such as heroin, and to the second by that spitting devil in spurious hands-the automobile. When he is a low-wit, and pl

employed. There will be overlapping and underlapping all along the criminal line, although the criminal is commonly quite

ls are impelled to criminousness by ide

t at it, and lacking moral stamina to face out squarely a grave mis

tion, deprived of the benefit of influences that might have counterbalanced, literally kicked

inds his way into a 6 x 8 cell, where, being a consummate ego-centric-spite of the miserable mess he has made of it-he indulges in self pity, swears to himself that "everybody gave him the wo

or whom she adjusts the base string of her bow-goes desperate for means with which to match his rival's flings, "borrows" "bundle" after "bundle" fr

as a rule they are not intrinsic criminals. Rather, they are compa

k a straight line if he knew it led to paradise. Partly as a side issue for gain, and partly to assure appreciable immunity from punishment for the common crimes of his class, the likes of him take on political thugism, and practically the same t

dictation of the spewed human spawn of the universe, is America

law does not cope with them and their ox-like blood-brothers in crime from the North and East of Italy, because the law goes about it piecemeal. Nothing short of a thorough governmental housecleaning of such will meet the issue as the government has allowed it to be presented by them. However they may war against each other, they move practically as one against the foundations

versatile in his limited sphere: meaning, for instance, that he is just enough of a card shark to flank a real captain at crooked dealing, and just enough of a bandit to "steer" and help plunder such as an inebriated plunger, or to assist in a roughly-engineered hold-up. He will affect good clothes and the like, but will usually wear them in such pattern, color, ensemble, and fashion, as to render him at once suspect to the trained eye. Even

, save only that criminals so fashioned are usually the most difficult and most tenacious of criminals; the former, because they are usually the most intelligent; and the latter, for the reason that they were home-primed, up through the most impressionable periods of youth and young manhood

e agent on whom certain criminals execute their sexually-perverted desires; and also, he will be taking his kindergarten degrees at picking, snatching and

oks, who sport one or another badge of authority, while declaring themselves "in" on the division of criminal spoils. When the

n seventy per cent of the members of them are the ready dupes of those who utter and shove this or that mint of

inal offense; and still more often the gaming confirms the offender. It does firstly, because the gambling mania is less insistent and tenacious only than abnormal mating hunger, by which it is commonly aggravated; secondly,

om rose-strewn. "Big" and "little," and "lesser" grafting

h through paroling him time and again from prisons wherein he had taken on not enough of any kind of skill to make a decent living with

her in allowing sprouting "roughnecks" to run as they list at all hours of the night. It is further still in not establishing State control over such children, through parents with whom the aim

vation as against the nurture of the most natural of criminals, the State needs must step in and extend the

ivated for crime sequentially emphasized, through attempted matin

nitive discipline, the States have suffered introduction into prison curriculums of

have been stretched to all-pervading promiscuous chatter

relation to the following count. It does, because "promiscuous chatter" will hold up any kind of work. Concentration is killed by

lf not balanced by the total of alleged progressive measures instituted during recent years. He is a mental dud of a self-determining criminal ind

ice distinctions need not be made in either case. They should not, in fact, be attempted on any field of recreation where red-blooded lads foregather; but such as bestial brutality carrying

y the latter should be most carefully guarded by State agents on recreative fields. The memory of "roughneck" sexual manifestation

se, beyond which prison play is, on its very face, non-reformative. Nothing short of all-around intensive instruction, prosecuted in accordance with what will be the free-life e

aignment of such manifestations may seem far-fetched, if not trivial. Very positively it is neither. The reformative régime that suffers loose and foul-mouthed relations between

ed commonize and corrupt, they tempt lads to make a foil of them,

houses of correction to run them true to reformative form. This, spite of both outside and inside pressure for fallacious methods, eve

ill originate with, and they certainly will be applied by, middle-of-the-road criminologists, who understand why, to the very dregs, it is, that the person given generally to loose, spineless practice, is reformatively less serviceable only than th

t observing, and then prescribed for. His exactions in full will not be made known at any one place, at any one time, to anyone on earth, through any one means kno

ll with which to execute his social duties. He can well be spared frills, thrills, and a plethora of

lean, is first aid to

t is also to disclose the deviltry, directed against the young, by the "camouflaged" libertine who deals in the vicious by-products of the sporting life. Hence, the writer bites again and again at

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