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Choices: Mated To A Rival Alpha

Chapter 2 Betrayed

Word Count: 1019    |    Released on: 18/04/2022

n Yea

m into this carefree bird who only seemed to be thinking about her mate. It was a pretty sight, n

l go to him later, I don't want to scare him with my excitement. He may ev

ur mate, okay. So relax and act naturally. This is your bi

herself almost like she didn't want her mate to catch her off guard. Tonight wa

. She hadn't seen Dalrae in a while and had assumed that her best friend was in that

wever, they couldn't be blamed. Their parents had protected them too much that

being with each other, and also the fact that Rania wasn't bothered abou

didn't worry too much because no one would be hurting anyone anyway.


wo very familiar scents. One belonged to her best friend and the other, belon


The scent of her mate filling her nose, made her feel a tinge of

point, that was an impossibility. Life was making a fool ou of her a

to be sucking each other's faces off. Rania faltered for a moment there, but

her Dalrae would betray her. It

e contemplated turning on the light, but then what use was that? Rania was an alpha

as the disbelief in Rania just magnified. Of all the people she had ex

d betrayed her? Th

emed to be sucking each other's faces off? Having been unable to

aybe she could use the washrooms at the main house, that

she heard Dalrae use their secret code, and in a tone t

" Dalrae

talking to Rania. However, why would Dalrae want Rania to listen to t

uest or she was just thinking out loud at the sight before her. Maybe she

stupid bastard is up to!" Dalrae shouted at her best friend who seemed to

ucking faces wi

or. There was only one possible reason in the world that could have Dalrae

it Rania like

e would be faced with tough choices in the near


wanted to save her mate from being murdered by her best friend. She

e on, she switched them off instinctively, as if not believin


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