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Choices: Mated To A Rival Alpha

Chapter 4 Just Go Away

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 19/04/2022


nd. Instead of getting up, Rania just snuggled into the bed, not caring that her hell

lmost here," D

fine days, I'll just shove a nuclear bomb in his pillow, to make sure he never sees the light o

born litt

when her father walked in and saw Rania sleeping,

deteriorated over the years and it wasn'

She was probably still dreaming about Jihoon's death. It was a sinister pl

ease go away!" Rania said and her father scowled at her tone. It was somethin

ne knew how Rania's brain worked except for Dalrae. And Dalrae had promised

n pointless a

n't come all this way just fo

now off you go," Rania said, cov

. But she just couldn't because somehow, the Incayon pack loved them. It w

. They always had the misfortune of being caught in the middle of the fath

a who was staring at them. Alpha Kim looked like he wanted to punch

get her up, the three of you!" alpha Kim bell

look bothered. After so many years of her father using the same tactic to t

s why as they got her up, she used

re I punch yo

d no other opti

ade her blood boil, but today, Rania was determined to be a good child. She would try and liste

d to her father, her voice emotionless a

assed Rani, and you c

r rowdy warriors interrupted me in the middle of my beauty sleep. I

Kim," Rania said, walking out the door, leaving her fath

asn't news to them. So when they heard the alpha warning her daughter not

able to get th

d her into wha

was a stain when she was the gold and they were all aware of that.

ew how much the woman had done to ensure Incayon was home, and if ever

em, but they pretended not to know that, and maybe tha

d never appreciated her? This very pack was filled with peopl

erstand their choices, instead, they minded their busine

fears and anxiety. They knew for a fact that Rania couldn't connect with anyone othe

o them was that Ran

oved, but no one was ready to appreciate her and love her. No one

to their home. Over the years, Rania had made sure that the rogues never ev

she looked around for Dalrae. She needed to

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