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Choices: Mated To A Rival Alpha

Chapter 3 Let's Go For A Run

Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 18/04/2022

She should have intervened earlier, but her broken heart was making

d Dalrae, because the woman had knocked this guy sen

hat was happening. From where she was standing, she could finally under

?" The warrior said, snappi

should have been to protect her mate, but she didn't run to him. She didn't rush to sa

was, and Rania didn't even have to look at the warrior's bloodied face to know. Sh

anded another punch at Rania's mate. This wolf needed to get some thorough beating to bring hi

en face, Dalrae whimpered fo

blood. She made a mental note to hug Rania after she was done with

h every unch that Dalrae landed on her mate. She had only ever wished for som

It was almost as if she was cursed to be alone, but

irthday, he decided to get it on with that stupid omega bimbo. Of all the

ss reliever tonight? I swear I won't cause any problems. Besides, no

. Just tell me what to do, love. Should I brin

el the pain. I feel like punching more holes in his face, but he keeps healing fast.

gerous, but a pissed Ra

he warrior looked at her, trying to see if the qu

e else even after kno

be controlled, I want a submissive and ain't no submissive alpha, so yeah—"

olf still had the audacity to talk to Rania like that. Whatever this man had smoked, Dalrae s

new the woman had a terrible temper, worse than hers. So if Rania was going to hand

out to be the fairy Christmas, instead it was about to be Halloween f

we won't be calling the cof

s your

nia," the warrior said and it took

as already rejecting her. What the fuck was the society coming to? Was

otional turmoil she had had to deal with in the past few minutes. She ha

why else would someone reject her without even

ime, before Dalrae smashed the warrior's head on

everal months. How could he be so heartless? Goodness, Dalrae wanted to punch

ver was left of the night. Her heart was broken, but she could d

rae," Rania said to Dalr

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