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Choices: Mated To A Rival Alpha

Chapter 5 Listen To Him, Rania

Word Count: 1238    |    Released on: 19/04/2022

her. She was a ruthless person, a monster and s

a who just rolled her eyes at him. If the alpha wanted her, then he could come to

sponse was about to come out of her mouth, from the way she was


smissed," Dalrae said in her beta


Rania said as she con

r best friend and beta, it is important to remin

fuck would anyone tell me that I'm not good enough to be their mate just becau

bonds. It was technically impossible to have people reject her out of the blue lik

orld knew of her, and the other suitors wanted her, but since she'd been rejected more

really, how they had shown up, and disappeared like a plague. At f

ughter had been rejected was enough to remind Rania that her paren

choose to save a wild bear or save Park Jihoon, Kim Rania would save the bear without

ke Rania's life miserable, but it wasn't something they could put past Jihoon. The man hated Rania with all

tead, Rania had called him a weak man for having such a mate. She

ible to heal after a mate died, unless the goddess gave them a new mate

yone to lose. He had lost his love and had remained a shell. So

Park Jihoon, but Rania had told her not to. She would deal with him in her own way. Maybe they

riend seemed to be spasming into and out of re

e don't like me for no reason, everyone I bond with had some ulterior motive,

e, unless you kill them with your beauty. Maybe you'll finally be able to


even if people are too egotistic to tell it to your face. Don't undermine yourself. So ge

ihoon, but I say if Jihoon triggers you, punch that punk ass to next mon

vor Rania,"

is i


ising? Please let it be me mur


I'm about to sell my soul but yeah, I prom

y way to assure him that you really wanna go to the camp so he can't s

r to punch him with the

I die in the alpha camp because apparently to him, I'm an irrational child who n

has ever been proud of me?" Rania as

ach time you guys have a fight, he always leaves you the green apples, to make y

hoping that he truly loves you," Dalrae said to Rania. She knew Rania

rned to not ask anymore. No matter how desperate she was, she would always try to

it wasn't going

ies something, I'm allowed to forget

I'll even hel


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