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Choices: Mated To A Rival Alpha

Chapter 9 I Am The Reigning Alpha

Word Count: 1131    |    Released on: 27/04/2022

es of course had cowered in fear because they never thought that it was possibl

le had normal children who loved, protected, and wished them a

playing it in his head. He wasn't sure if he needed to be ha

didn't give a shit about it anymore. This man never once cared for her. She cou

mother and she had shown him t

e you suffer," Rania had said to her father, before she roughly brushed their

other's throats, except for when there was an enemy attack in Incayon. But until then,

it wasn't like the two par

ait, hold up," Dalrae said angrily as she checked her friend for signs of mental det


ittle woman. You gave him a confirmation that he is your weakness, Ran

hey would be in Incayon, the crazier she got. Maybe there was a way to

't stomach whatever the other did. And yet even then, they were still he

rom Calindra. Can you imagine that? He just sat there, giving me orders when he was the ro

It was almost like Dalrae was certain there was something in this office, but then sh

ked amusedly. Her friend was hopping over tables, checking the ceiling for cr

taring at her best friend dead in the eye like she was wait

e is

so where is the meth or coke. Or wait, you're using weed cookies? Give me some, lo

nstead, Dalrae sniffed her, like she wanted to know more. But then, she and Ra

se to her. Whatever it was, R

you. Y'know like sisters," Dalrae insisted and Rania knew there was no hope for this one. She

sure. What if he's trying to force me to mate Jihoon because of an alliance? Wha

l benign and that of her people. Instead of helping Rania worry, Dalrae looked at h

over her face. She was an overthinker and that seriously didn't help her case. She neede

the alpha


verything that goes on withi

I'm aware of

two have been plotting against your happiness since your first reject

ou already made it clear to the whole kingdom that you're not looking for a mate. Nothing will r

e, but it's not like he can succeed anyway. Mother would probably beat him in al

d excited, and finally happy that things would go her way, but

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