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Choices: Mated To A Rival Alpha

Chapter 6 Did You Ever Love Me

Word Count: 1227    |    Released on: 21/04/2022

y out involved a couple of people she didn't want to meet. The people she was d

oked like, then Rania didn'

time. She only had three days to strategize and come up wi

headed to the pack

nd given that the alpha had been calling her for the past few weeks, and she hadn't

the alpha camp was in three days. So much happened in the past few weeks, wit

right to spite Jihoon. If anything, they both wanted to make each other

oon had gone through, but Rania felt nothing. Instead, it was almost like s

We can always go back," Rania suggested, bu

alpha, and you never falter. That is who my best friend is. So you don't get to

Ranis pulled her friend into a hug. Dalrae had always supported her, no matter

ho were alone in the world. Whatever happened, they would go on together, besides, surely

okay," Rania pl

mething to her father, something that would make the world hate her. And while s

ake and the sake of her mother's self-respec


ckhouse. Quietly the two girls walked up the staircase, pre

cause she needed to. If she didn'

e. Alpha Kim's office was on the same floor as Rania's office, but they were on opposite


hat it's all about. So focus on that, woman," Dalrae said and Rania just agreed. She h

kept speculating. So taking one last breath, Rania walked into her father's offi

respected her even if they pretended

re and yet at the same time she cared. Her father had been insistent on meeting wi

he was going to tell her, though if she could try and gauge, it had to be s

she hated it. She hated being in that position and if that was what he

I've been meaning to talk

it as well as I can, almost like they don't know about your ever so re

next. Her friend was a time ticking bomb, one they didn't even kno

considered herself less crazy wh

why speculate when I can just ask it to your face, yeah?" Rania said angrily as she walked

gh to tell her that her best friend had just about had enough of this shit. Dalrae alway

day was the da

im. Of course, Dalrae knew that she couldn't kill her dad, because of her mom, bu

pack, it was common sense that they obeyed her. Because if they didn't, they would

hearts of everyone in the room including even the alpha. He hadn't expected tha

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