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Choices: Mated To A Rival Alpha

Chapter 8 Never Steal My Targets

Word Count: 1249    |    Released on: 25/04/2022

t her like she wasn't aware that Luna was her mother. Of course, she was aware, but if her fathe

d eyebrows initially but overtime, they all knew that

do the same, it seems like some social dilemma? You're the only person who'

everything I believed in, and made me look like a joke. I mean nothing to him, t

sisters. Of course, he had known that the relationship between Dalra

rriors in the pack ended up in the dispensary for a week leaving their pack in th

think they were mates, but they were just two sisters bound by fate and re

ania a look and reminded her of

, my love, you s

hat I felt. I know what he did to Dalrae. He was behind everything. I know I don't have evid

d stay beside me," Rania said to Dalrae who just nodded. Anyone who had watched the

s hoping to never do because she loved Dalrae so mu

use she had vowed to never make Rania choose between her and

, let

t of the packhouse. The werewolves were watching, and the warriors had

loss of our mates, yeah?" Rania asked her father who looked at her, horr

own child would be judging them and staring at them with hateful eyes. Their Rania had changed


and left her confused and in the hands of the warriors. She knew this was to be the most hum

e play along," Rania had told

ides of her child, and she knew that

o even listen. They were hard-headed, as if the world revolved around them both. So sh

with her not to put Luna through that much shame, but R

's hear it together!" Rania said, making her father look at her with worry e

being held by warriors. He wanted to bark orders at them and tell them not t

didn't do anything to her mother. Alpha Kim never wanted to see his mate and

camp in three days, meaning that my parents will be in charge of the pack. However, kee

be cool if we all go for the runs and some of y'all will be wiggling nothing

t out of the way, we have gathered here to remind my father that he even has a mate. I

will burn Incayon from the inside out. Also, that woman there is my mother. It's a

l boil your eyes for the crows to feed on. Nobody touches my parent

said and the whole pack visibly let out a sigh of relief. It was crazy h

ithout a second thought. Her mother was her an

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