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The billionaire’s trophy wife

Chapter 10 You should accommodate me

Word Count: 1074    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

all her ‘Toria’ or something,” the

glances upon hearing this, e

toria be kept by someone? That’s currently the only possibility, and that m

at relieved. She hooked her arm through

t straight to her room, followed closely by Alexander. V

r phone away and p

r,” he decided it was tim

r head away, stubb

with women who obeyed him more. He just never bothered with th

test loudly, but he di

d to stand up to get away from him. But the ma

w that?” Victoria reluctantly sat back on

ded, indicatin

ld are


ou can’t force me to do what I don’t want to do, you can’t make me unhappy, you have to care about my opin

orced out by him, and so ma

is beautiful time.” With one sentence, Alexa

it for me, I’m going to get revenge!” Victoria, thrown

ur money, and then divorce

t, hm, divorce and prope

Alexander turned her

nd Victoria spent it mis

Did she marry

her tortured body to the bathroom for a bath. After dr

cleaners, and when they saw Victoria coming

tch over you and make sure you eat more after waking up.” Getting older, you’ve been

at the dining table, waiting for the food to b

e juice.” The servant watched Victoria clear her plate wi

need moderation. Good relationships are good, but t

ntent, Victoria went upstairs satisfied and

one more thing and ran to the second floor to gi

before he left, one for th

pink BMW she had been forced to give up. It was a birthday gift from her fath

de road, attracting many looks an

hadn’t arrived yet. She ordered herself a cap

one, it started buzzing with n

d some so-called good friends. Friends who had avoided her since

a selfie. With her head slightly tilted, she propped

caption: “Dad, I miss you. I’m married

ccount had gained quite a following, with over 600,000 followers,

nly memories with her family. She also unfollo

Victoria didn’t even glance at them, simply turned off

fe, Victoria had already f

ange out of her work clothes, her naturally pretty face now adorned with a touch of makeup. Her large eyes were particularly bright, with

ds as a result. Eva was always a little hesitant around Victoria, who looked luxurious and ele

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