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My cowboy mobster

Chapter 2 2.

Word Count: 1133    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


d our expressions of hating each other's company and acted normally as if two seconds a

nd I would have said it back, bu

dear?" he ask

r, he's still going to send a maid here, so Layla... the kitchen is all yours d

ly. I go up to my room and finish putting my thi

guy!" h

t is

chool tomorrow,"

her having to teach a class of forty students where o

school, I didn't like my school where I knew peo

It'll b

finished here, let's go downsta

t cook and I've learned to m

cook... don't tell Dad,

your secr

urn into a frown,

t know ho

to me tong

the one who

p playing thi

ays a

it is no longer here." I say,

nd I'll have mac

eese," I suggest as we

edly, and goes to the fridge, takes out the ch

e rest of the ingredients,


and I see Dad with a h

" he compliments and I

which was essential for the dish." Luiza co

, you've always been our master

sly, but then smiles, comes closer, and kisses my forehead a

and believe me, it's all gone in the blink of an eye, he

f the window, noticing that now my father's boss's house is even

as fascinated by astrology, I remember when I was

pposite, the bedroom light has been s

s to take off his shirt, I shake my head in the negative close the window, and thr


ower, get ready for school, and go downstairs to have

k beauti

, you too." I tha

d badly, if I punch you in the f

you too! No

re lu

d them, had a quick coffee, and went straight to sch


ston High School on top of the big school in front of me,

lot of curious looks, some comments like "Wow, just what was missing here

cterless. Of course, but Luiza and I weren't like that, and that made me furi

p! It's no

I say and take

stopped by the principal's office

t you can call me Kate or Kat,

me Lu, Iza, or Malu, and this is my s

ng us by surprise

I'm going to show you

us down the corridors, I just hope I don't

I'm already screwed up from my previous relationshi

een bee, the girl who runs the school who dates the bad boy, and who has loyal follo

school, this one wo

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