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My cowboy mobster

Chapter 3 3.

Word Count: 1025    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


mine, the same thing happened, everyone was kind, except for one girl, I suppose she must be the queen bee here, I don't kn

aria Luiza, she can mana

e were barred at the door by the queen bee, standing in the

of this school, if you don't want any trouble, you'd bette

d count to ten, but I'm

ind of person thinks they have a

up your ass? I'm not from your town, don't threaten me, you

oed, I picked up my notebook and left, it wasn't

ss, no one, absolutely n

rically and cl

biju is very angry." Maria Luiza

why are people af

h girl at school, and then there's the fact that my hot brother

everything, you've seen nothing

ty at the house, my younger brother Thom is having a

hether to go, but Lui

Kat says, putting her han

where do


t's logical, that Katherine Caccini must be the

neighbors, of co

said eup

r us with questions, and I'm not in the least bit inclined to answer the

asn't there, but for o

t her, said hello, and

ven me, and then listened to some music. The next thing I knew, it was

s very polite to us, and this w

make-up, opt for a tight black dres

o downstairs and find Malu in the living r

t going anymore," I say iron

ing ready for anything,

me I've asked Dad, but Maria Luiza thinks

off, if a mafioso kidnapped her in five m


lots of people there, from the school and also other people I don't know, I p

she says, hugging us and taking us to where people are dancing, I go to

?" I ask and

usually drink

here, pour me another shot," I say and h

bills, the Kikkat party is not so different from the ones in New York,

wn it in one go, the liqu

rom the cold and regretting not

it me very well right no

ed by a handsome, strong guy wearing a T-shirt that showed off his muscle

hat's already taking effect, but it's not possible, I've only had two shots an

oesn't wast

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