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My cowboy mobster

Chapter 7 7.

Word Count: 1155    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


t dressed, go downstairs to have coffee, and thank the heavens t

family," I sa

Daughter, you l

ay awkwardly and L

nk corset with jeans

me?" she asks ang

o, youn

kiss, which he r

a huge hickey on my sister's neck, which happens to be co

subconscious teases

of the belt Dad will

ad's car, which has already been re

ow how to drive. She loved the idea, but not me so much, after all

't want t


r classroom and I went to mine, but un

y know who you're dealing with,

t a cheesy

decide it's not wor

enter the room, almost

ooks at me with a di

, I swear," she says

say smugly a

o doing my history ass

tween work and laziness, and I can assure you that lazin

ry happy to keep you company since

sucked her off to suck her off again," I ex

's welcome, r

being rude to you, he's not lik

brother was very stupi

e do that, no one who knows him woul

lick the ground he walks o

you're a

an old foo

, please!" he a

ut my fat

m, Aiden won't sto

is an excellent professi

re this with the rest of the class?" teacher Rose cal


ed like the timetable never went awa

s, taking my arm and lea

th you, I've already

Luiza is already waiting for us, I open the door and they both

t idiot wasn't home, but if he is


farm, Katherine and Luiza rush out, an

living room," she says as

e's come to help us, but it's all because the younge

Lu cuts out the photos we're going to use

of the photos and the font to use for the digital

reat!" Kat

it's beaut

the photos." my sister

uila?" Kat asks, and I wonder if every

ss!" Lui

nd they both look

that this assignment is worth top marks a

ight away," Kat says an

nishing before mine and her having to

er's voice and we both turn our faces to look at hi

ng at him, he winked at


, the two begin to exchange caresses, and two ministers later they

poiled girl from the big city!" he say

t in the same tone and he

id you

is, arthrosis, cramp...

I do, you'd never open your petul

and most importantly..." I approach

say and his expression changes co

g docile women throwing themselves at his

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