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My cowboy mobster

Chapter 5 5.

Word Count: 967    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


rays of sunlight comi

e morning. I get up and drag my body to the

er of t

on a long light blue

y hair and l

nally I finish w

find Dad and Anton

rning da


where's Malu? She h

hasn't come down from

t first I have to come

e left

, I take a deep breath and gather all my self-

m going to take your car, do you mind?" I ask, keeping my face closed, but inside I'm sm

woman because of the days Dad tr

e had the chance she would tell my sister that she was an orphan who hadn't had tim

een his teeth and I forced a smile, went out to the

posite mine, the road to their hous


iful the house is in the daytime, t

rses steal the show, even the farm where the mare from my favorite movie (Fl

amily stud farm. To prove her willingness, Katy decides she's going to tame a wild mare found in t

hing this movie w

front of me, the furniture is very beautiful, I h

l too stunned by t

tleman in th

ge in like this, but I'm looking for m

t me sympa

d I work here. You must be talking about the

will they

so! Would you

you don

on't be able to stay to keep you company, I have a very

n go, I'll wait fo

good morning


eading towards what

like my father's house, this one is a

ms and was surprised to

, but what the hell is

u doing here

not the owner! So it's non

tiful garden and am surprised by a

better tell me what you

the person and swallow

the wall, and now I can see his face,

is hidden beneath

course, this is the boy Katherine ta

s man, but she's nothing to me, so

head in t

an idiot, he fits the profile of a man Maya would get involved with, so even though he's handsome, I'm not inte

r what?" he sho

again. I stop myself from telling the owner of the house to f

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