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My cowboy mobster

Chapter 4 4.

Word Count: 1097    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


raps her arms around Kat's brother,

ckly, I need to have a

smiles. I take her arm and lea

ou're doing? You've barely met the boy an

r, so I live a crazy life there!" she says, put

s hit she cries and it's left to me to inve

sn't help with her upbringing, far from it, he's wonderful, but some things she always talks to me about, the first tim

t allow myself to enter someone's li

don't want you

boys and it's not some hottie from the countryside who's going to make me give up my tir

, okay, you know what you're doing, but you've just said th

rather her hot brother's, and these people know how to t

ask because I thought

ting for him to show himself, they say that man is a sin... but I'm alread

to meet Thomas again, he gr

hat my sister is using her weapons to seduce Kat

Luiza there, and she's beautiful, self-confident, seductive, some thi

mes up to me and asks m

the party?" she asks, moving to t

throw a party here," I say

e says, givi

rink," she calls and pul

sions were identical, I could taste the bitterness in my mouth, b

problem with al

me alone, for the

ry handsome blond guy with blue eyes, pulling Kat to dance, I


ask for a glass of water, I ta


g to find a t

r my sister, but



a bathroom there, I pass through the living room, then

e, open it, and hop

breath and o

n the bathroom to splash in my eyes and f

r against the wall, pressing his knee into the middle of her legs, before kissing her

to the other door, open it and breathe a sigh of relief when I realize it's

n't I open th

t's a good thing I didn't bump into anyone, I go ba

e arm and she look

and you're

oing, cover

o get in trouble wit

... pl

y yes, hugs me, then goes back into

I've had enough

you alone, it's just that Rick has your

me alone K

th an amused expre

er brother, I don't know what he's gotten himself into, I thi

u'll introduce us,

llect, see y

e, I get in the car and drive home, tryin

ave to f

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