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My cowboy mobster

Chapter 6 6.

Word Count: 846    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


ister, who happened t

oks at me a little surprised but

not here, so you can

upid a

shove "your" ho

car and was just getting in when I spotted my sister's naug

la, wha

thing's great...

m do

staying, because if you want to you're on your own!" I shout and she look

rly." the asshole says, putting h

visit our winery, so I took her

o beautiful, Aiden, have yo

arm, making me fac

rrogant girl your s

is eyes and he

re the only one here who's arrogant and

.. I like it

th of you! And let'

y sister got on well, the

ce Mr. Sympathy kicked me out o

t," she says withou

you arrog

id you

adjectives to use, like an id

o I am? Do you know w

and Thomas

ou want, stay, but I won't make up any more excuses, when Dad asks where you are I'll tell him the trut

a great

ck to my car, furious, an

why are yo

she doesn't say anything, she gets in and sits in the bac


the door, go straight up to my room, and just

ease!" she asks su

I ask, trying to c

react to seeing me with a boy, he's jealous you know." She


death threat looks between you a

ouldn't wait for you and that's what I did, but then Maya showed up, asking me what I was doing there, I said goodbye to her, but then the nice man showed up, and threw m

d she looks

hanging the subject, have you noticed how handsome he is? He's a hottie, not more than

t of the war, even if h

ng, apart from the arro

t mind because Kat boo

to do work where the ow

hen do you o

ouse doesn't just belong to m

says, hugging me

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