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My cowboy mobster

Chapter 9 9.

Word Count: 1355    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


o up to my room and I'm s

ll right here?" he asks and looks a little anxious, whi

thinking away," I say and he s

t my father does everything he can to make up for Mom's absence and has never tried to

a good father or a good listener, it's not like that, you're wonderful, but it's something inevitab

t love, no one will ever replace her." He made a point of making this clear

d." I said, wiping away my tears

ts too much and it seems that my father gets

s house, is that all right? If you don't want to, no problem, I'll understand." I took a deep breat

I say and a huge smil

seven and I love you, my litt

sses my cheek before leaving the room


y, it was just a nap, but even I

ten minutes

dry off, go into my closet, and pick o

s slit on the side and a neckline at the bust. The bodice of the dress gave my breasts more su

on a little more makeup and

I notice my sister, she was looking hot in a pink dress

ing!" Dad compl

d!" we repl

ing on his arm. Luiza and I follow, get in

house, my father must wo

oorbell, and who opened the door

house," he said smiling, but his smi

't know I was his father

ting me, and this is Antonella, my girlfrien

ade me want to laugh,

, Please come in," he says, and I notice that he's making a

s ready. I look around and see Thom talking to Ka

o see

ouldn't get

le, Antonela next to Kat, Luíza stuck to Thom's side, and

g at me, and although I didn't enjoy his company, din

at my father worked for him, I swallowed, thinkin

ine, but I was, so we w

e heart can't feel, and Dad wasn't

sister says an

t gi

e're both fucking hot," h

ad calls us and I hide

but Miss Caccini has asked

as my sister and the redhead looked at ea

to, I'll go wi

es at me and I

dn't leave Luiza alone, either I

kisses us on the forehead, says goodbye

isappear from view so that I ca

all this fuss is about?" I say a

let me stay alone, he thinks you're resp

nd you owe me

accini calls out and I roll my eyes, but what the hell..

ccinis, and we enter a different room, with a

cial room," Kat

the carpets are dark colors, the red leather

and each takes a bottle of beer

s. My beautiful sister went round and round until she j

alking, he was just drinking his beer and looking at his


are?" she suggested and I

sister replie

om is the ne

sinterestedly, Kat looks

edly and the redhead hugs me, feeling that

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