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My cowboy mobster

Chapter 8 8.

Word Count: 1081    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


?" I ask and my brot

ed waiting for you!"

! Let'

horses and he


eeting one of my men who was on the lookout, maki

etray me... I hate betrayers, they're always

presence, his face turn

.. what have we here?"

nything!" he defends himself a

s to tell him about our arsenal of weapons, wer

for your explanation," I

l me, I beg you,

o accept you here knowing that you were able to betray me and now you'

ccini, give me

re, but I want you to know that your betrayal didn't hurt m

false, if I thought about leaving you alive, you woul


d, you filthy rat, I set it all up and you fel

" I roll my eyes at

chances, either you serve me and are faithful to me, or you die,

le in a failed att


th my little toys," I ask one

ttle shit who betrayed me. I put the shears to his fac

ic... and that's why the other soldiers are here, to k

so I had them sharpened, and now I'm going to test them so I can give them

ase," he

you fool, stop whining, you're going to die

andcuffs, making his body fall onto the metal table, and cl

a shame you couldn't feel it

fingers and before I close them I cur

loor and his cry of pain

he screams in agony an

, showing yo

deserve to die like t

cissors into his mouth, pulling them out and stickin

wl and let the anger

lls out, and I let

re he talk about her? And you know I can't stand it, you son of a bitc

leaned up," he says and I don't say anything, but then I nod my h

ay. As we enter the house, we meet Katherine's friends, one of

as alone with the petulant girl, I wanted t

like to shut her up, but my sister co

sses over, I look at her smile and narrow my eyes, supp

o head-to-head with me, she's brave and fierce, like

, who until then had been sitting down, got up

tairs, I headed for my office, there were too many things to do to b

er had a conversation, and every time we meet it's to exchange insults, m

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