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My Maid My Lover

Chapter 2 Sold

Word Count: 1202    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

ce that held bitter memories. Her father, the man who had never shown an ounce of care or consideration for her, had abandoned her and her late mother when she was just a b

tment. She stood there in front of the stark white door, ringing the bell countless times with no response from with

r modesty, leaving very little to the imagination. Anya's eyes widened, her mind swirling with confusion. Was this

d to stammer out, trying to

live here!" the woman replied, a sarcastic s

panion. Anya's thoughts raced, trying

looking for?" the woman asked,

ion growing stronger. This woman w

e door?" a voice c

way into the apartment, eager to

uttered, her lips

within, his face lighting up with sur

ther's unusual behavior took away Anya. Normally, he would show anger and r

Anya asked, her brow

introduced, his voice filled with pride as he

discomfort growing. Hunger gnawed at her stomach, but the sigh

Robert asked, hi

eplied, her tone

ould be better to let her rest," Beth inter

Her father's arm wrapped around her slender waist while Bet

y. I'll be out of here soon, I promise-" Anya's voice trailed off, unsur

long as you want," Robert said kindly, a warm smile gracing his face. Anya couldn't help but f

ke her way out of the kitchen, but befor

, An

d, meeting Beth's g

aming sessions. You know, adult games. Your father can get really into it, showing his strength and mascul

sbelief, her inner voice

aintain an air of pretense, and Anya re


e her room. She slowly opened her eyelids. When she regained consciousness,

nerosity. But, unfortunately, Mr. Andres' son did not inherit his generosity, so we only give you two options

, Anya hesitated to step out. It would be better for her to hide now before the

me some time,"

ou too much time. Now,

n't bri

houted with a trembling v

her? She's my future w

on the black market. You don't have to worry, Rob. I'll send you the rest of her body," said a man with a heavy voice. Hearing that horrible conve

't let them take m

lace me with your daughter,

e man who was now pointin

ame is Anya!" Beth shouted, making t

healthy, and yes, she is beautiful. You can sell her

he crap!" sh

ou prefer that girl to me?

om!" ordered a man

en she heard it. She immediately slipped under

ghtstand. There was no wardrobe; she had checked the window, and it wa

se choice, as it could make he

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